Mjasirii wrote:@AlphaDoti elaborate the prayer that's recited before an animal is slaughtered by Muslims
The prayer goes: "By the name of ALMIGHTY GOD". That is "BISMILLAH" in Arabic.
And this is just a matter of faith for Muslims to say it before slaughtering an animal.
By the way, this is also said before performing all actions!
What is the reasoning behind this?This action is that the meat is a blessing from the ALMIGHTY. Therefore making the food halal.
What is the Logic?You will appreciate that proper begining of any deed has tremendous impact on result.
1. Firstly, when we say Bismillah before beginning any act, it means that we are seeking God's blessings and help in the act which we are going to do next.
2. Secondly, saying Bismillah before any action allows the person to carry out that action or task with a logical thought.
It has effect on the person’s psychological thought processes.
He will think clear. He will understand and make sense of his task better.
3. Thirdly, the sincere desire to align our wills and our lives with the will of Creator expressed in these words.
Because for one moment you recognize that you are at the beginning of a new deed.
Then the very next moment, you are saying bismillah before you actually enter in upon that action.
This binds that action to its blessings and send it up to Creator demonstrating remembrance of his blessing.
Therefore, this beautiful word bismillah is a magnificent reminder of our relationship to our Creator and our relationship to all of creation.