Danny Young wrote:@drunkard
Dude think outside of the box. Its not about the video game. Its about being innovative and creating opportunities!!! Those teenagers saw oppportunities and explored it and now they're entrepreneurs. That's the mentality I'm talking about!!!
I was Educated outside Kenya and for some time I use to think that people are somehow lazy or umimaginative in poor parts of the world and you'll think that way if you're somehow not connected to the reality and you'll say people should think outside the box. The fact of the matter is life is hard in most parts of developing world.
In most part of Kenya, if a student get a B- that could mean the end of their dreams because if they don't qualify to attend a public universities, most of them can't afford to pay private colleges, so you want them to think outside the box? Maybe borrow from they parents to start a business? Guess what, their parents and grandparents are broke and have been for generations.
I personally is rightfully doing ok in life, I live in an highrise apartment in the middle of one of the largest city in the world, with a job and everything that goes with it, that doesn't mean I thought outside the box, 90% of my life had already been decided by my background. I know alot of people in my local neighborhood that were smarter than I was and more creative that I was but they never had an opportunity. So don't think Westland or Muthaiga is a representative of Africa, life is hard out there, even if you were to think outside the box, there are hudles at every corner. Africa is not the west where "you can make it if you're willing to try"
Unless underlying economic problems and social problems are solved, do not expect people to be innovative, less that half of the population own TV and more than 75% of the population do not own or access internet, how do you expect people to dream and be innovative when they haven't seen how the world should be?