AlphDoti wrote:Mukiri wrote:

This can only happen in a movie!
Moshlem hands (and @magishgish) have faecal matter!
@Mukiri ignorance and lack of knowledge is a bad thing.
@mukiri, I doubt if you really need a religion to tell you how healthier and cleaner our asses are by cleaning with water
Many good parents teach their children this. The same way their parents before them did.
I do not blame you because maybe you have been raised to believe that after poop, our butts are just rubbed with some paper on it and call it a day.
How come you think the best way to clean most objects like dishes, clothes, car etc is warm water and soap, but your 'dirtiest' thing does not deserve water!!!
I'm also amazed at your assumption that people do not wash their hands after visiting the toilet. If you don't, does mean others do not. This is even taught in baby class!!!!Look at the mothers- How come mothers do not use tissue only to clean their babies and leave it at that?
- Why do they clean the baby with warm, wet cloth? Otherwise, the baby's backside will remain whitish and smelly.
- So similarly to you, when you just use tissue and pull up your clothes,
your backside remains whitish and smelly like that of a child
This is what I meanLet us say you spilled some soda on your hands. Would you rather clean it with water or try to wipe it off with toilet paper?
The answer is simple in this case: Water!Why did am I answering you again...Anyway, after answering you in previous post, I felt maybe it is better to further this topic instead of shying away from this subject of cleaning after relieving ourselves.
I realized if I leave it at that, then you would not know and
you would continue living in ignorance.
This is the way to do these thingsAfter answering nature’s call,
1. You can clean yourself with tissue,
2. Then wash with clean water (warm recommended),
3. And finally clean your hands with a soap and water.
This reduces bacterial germination and possibly infection.
Hear from the experts1). Experts say using water is very hygenic and environmental friendly way.
2). Even doctors recommend washing your private parts after using the bathroom.
They say people who do not wash, have usually diseases down there or they stink when they sweat.
3). Experts say you will save a lot of trees by not using a toilet paper
4). It is hygiene especially for females
Using water is a great way to leave a women feeling refreshed and clean.
- It is more beneficial during
menstruation or after
- Water alleviates the problems such as rashes by washing away harmful bacteria that causes infection
Logically- Toilet paper alone is not the best option. It does not clean thoroughly. It can even contribute to anal fissures.
- Other methods of cleansing after a answering call of nature are better: a bidet, sponges, towels, save comfort Wipe, and wet naps
- You can combine more than one of them for example dry paper followed by a wet nap.
NOTE: Hiduism is the oldest religion. They also use water to clean themselves.