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The YW Monologues
#21 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 7:44:13 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
@ Tycho,

The voice you heard, whose was it?

The voice told you that the problem is that you have always taken yourself as the center. The voice should have proposed a solution to this 'problem'.

The voice should have told you if 'you' are the problem or the 'centre' the problem. Or the 'problem' the problem.

The voice should have told you the solution to the problem. The voice could have suggested if truth can solve the 'problem'.

The voice should have told you if truth is words, then what words they are. The voice should have told you whose words they are.

And what the words say. And what they mean. And where they are stated (for reference). And why they are stated. And for whose benefit they are stated. And to whose detriment (if there are beneficiaries).

I dont like that voice. It is not directing you to the truth. Tell it to stop speaking to you.
#22 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:46:21 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
On calling things by their right name ......

The young people are there assembled; there is the sound of vocal and instrumental music. Christians are gathered there, but what is that you hear?

It is a song, a frivolous ditty, fit for the dance hall - on Wednesday night and Sunday morning.

A bedlam of noise with shouting and drums and music and dancing and with din that shocks the senses ....... and then it is called the holy spirits working.

And whats with the speaking in tongues that only 'comes' after swaying to delirious music? Cannot the tongues 'come' without feeling good and excitement aroused by the music? Music, or is it noise?

Then the 'religious' service is something of a sensational character. Anything that appeals to the unimpassioned reason awakens no response.

And then they throw in cliches - 'trust God', 'Bila Yesu siwezi', 'Life without God is empty' ..... No wonder @Hamburglar gets radioactive around them.

YW looks forward to the day this 'christian' madness will end!
Money Whisperer
#23 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:17:26 AM
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Joined: 8/7/2010
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Mukiri wrote:

Boss, don't you know it's now getting overcrowded? Kenya itself is limiting births to 2 a couple. Resources are depleting fast: Just the other day Kiambu coffee was cleared for high cost housing, Kitengela growth et al are choking Nairobi Park, do I even have to mention Mau?

And on the flipside, are all these condoms bio degradable? re recyclable? By protecting ourselves and avoiding unwanted pregnancies, are we slowly choking our same selves? Do I need to even need to mention pills and cancer?

Do you feel the talk was all encompassing, seeing as it is you didn't mention health and long livity?

Kenya is not overcrowded, but development is so skewed that populations are drawn to the very few urban centers with economic activities. We need to provide economic incentives (hope countiy govts will address this)to spread the population around
"Money never sleeps"
#24 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:05:54 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
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Location: Nairobi
YesuWangu wrote:
@ Tycho,

The voice you heard, whose was it?

The voice told you that the problem is that you have always taken yourself as the center. The voice should have proposed a solution to this 'problem'.

The voice should have told you if 'you' are the problem or the 'centre' the problem. Or the 'problem' the problem.

The voice should have told you the solution to the problem. The voice could have suggested if truth can solve the 'problem'.

The voice should have told you if truth is words, then what words they are. The voice should have told you whose words they are.

And what the words say. And what they mean. And where they are stated (for reference). And why they are stated. And for whose benefit they are stated. And to whose detriment (if there are beneficiaries).

I dont like that voice. It is not directing you to the truth. Tell it to stop speaking to you.

@YW, when someone says 'I like this' he/she is stating his/her preference. He/she is limited to the relative. And is it not true that you don't like the voice? It is true. Hence the relative can be true.

If I were to reduce your post into a simple argument then it would run like this; The voice is misleading you because it has not answered some questions that you'd want it to answer. And /or the voice has said things you don't agree with because you always agree with the absolute truth.

Taking the first version of your argument, I'd like to remind you that it was my experience, not yours. And you cannot prescribe for anyone an experience and more so, how can you prescribe an event after it has happened?

Again, all those prescriptions you've given are entirely unnecessary to me. Those are not my questions, those are your questions.

We can now look at the second version of your argument. And to it I'll ask a simple question. Why are you seeking the truth if you already have it? And if you have the truth why didn't you come with solutions?

You must have overlooked the fact that I was revealing myself. Otherwise you'd not have shown disregard to my experience. You seem to care more about postulates than persons!

You ask me whose voice it was that I heard. But what is the significance of this? Look at it and you'll see no logical import whatsoever, at least as far as I am concerned. Ah! It has no value to you- perhaps contrary to your belief.

Finally, I'd like to inform you that YW is another voice in my world. Can I tell it to shut up? Okay, let me introduce another voice 'Ras'. How would you respond to; 'YW, Ras has instructed me not to talk to you!'

So who are you to give such instructions? YW yawa, ang'o marach?

#25 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:20:43 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
Posts: 8,804
Location: Nairobi
YesuWangu wrote:
On calling things by their right name ......

The young people are there assembled; there is the sound of vocal and instrumental music. Christians are gathered there, but what is that you hear?

It is a song, a frivolous ditty, fit for the dance hall - on Wednesday night and Sunday morning.

A bedlam of noise with shouting and drums and music and dancing and with din that shocks the senses ....... and then it is called the holy spirits working.

And whats with the speaking in tongues that only 'comes' after swaying to delirious music? Cannot the tongues 'come' without feeling good and excitement aroused by the music? Music, or is it noise?

Then the 'religious' service is something of a sensational character. Anything that appeals to the unimpassioned reason awakens no response.

And then they throw in cliches - 'trust God', 'Bila Yesu siwezi', 'Life without God is empty' ..... No wonder @Hamburglar gets radioactive around them.

YW looks forward to the day this 'christian' madness will end!

As you are naming others, so must you name yourself! Now, the young people swaying along the music are pretending to be spirit filled; but what about you the observer? Is this monologue a fruit of this spirit that people are pretending to possess?

So far I can only see spite and righteous indignation, a record of wrongs and all that is not love.

But I get it now, you are living in protest. You are somehow retracing Luther's steps. Not bad. If you find some time to spare, visit the resurrection gardens and retrace Christ's steps also.
#26 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:15:43 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
@Tycho, YW is sorry if he/she appeared confrontational to the voice.

YW had no right to probe the voice uninvited and understands your reaction to that post and even to the 2nd unrelated post.

YW regrets that this now appears to be descending towards a quarrel and bicker between Tycho and YW where one opposes the others posts. It was not the intention of starting this.

YW will hence no longer oppose or support posts but will keep on with his / her agenda of giving his / her thoughts on various issues he /she comes across.

#27 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:23:27 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
Country living or city living? That is the question YW is currently grappling with.

What about the social and economic advantages and amusements e.g. the television and theatre, what about employment?

Almost reminds me of the old primary school debates 'rural area vs urban area - which is better?'.

This is hard for someone born and brought up in the urban area. Should not it conversely make him / her long to try out life in the rural area?

Everything is favorable for city living. Then why is this crazy idea?

Is it an excuse for running away from something?

#28 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:36:13 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588
There is a campaign to drink milk. Though no specification is made, the YW assumes it is cows milk.

What are the benefits of milk? Cows milk? Protein, calcium etc.

YW has come across sentiment like:

'Yes... milk is Mother Nature's "perfect food" ...for a calf... until it is weaned.'

'The human milk contains 1.2 mg/liter of protein while the rat's milk contains ten times as much as 11.8 mg./liter ..... therefore drink rats milk!'

Are these just the idle rantings of animal rights people?
#29 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:48:57 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
Posts: 8,804
Location: Nairobi
YesuWangu wrote:
@Tycho, YW is sorry if he/she appeared confrontational to the voice.

YW had no right to probe the voice uninvited and understands your reaction to that post and even to the 2nd unrelated post.

YW regrets that this now appears to be descending towards a quarrel and bicker between Tycho and YW where one opposes the others posts. It was not the intention of starting this.

@YW, I know you didn't intend to have a quarrel.

But look at what I am trying to say: There is Tycho and there's YW. Both have experiences, can one say that the other's experience is not true? The answer is no. Yet there is relativity. And you can see that if you don't respect this relativity you will have to impose a self that is not true to the other. And the consequence? Your own destruction.

Notice, you impose your self on another, and the other will fight back and impose his self. In the end both are destroyed.

You have to back down, and I have to back down.

So, in order for you and I to find the truth we must be aware of how we are tied together-identity, and how we can communicate- conversation.
That is, we will only find absolute truth when we embrace relative truth!

BTW, my comment on the post about worship is harsh even to me. I have echoed your monologue so many times, and now I realize it was not correct.

Cheers friend!
#30 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 4:30:43 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/11/2010
Posts: 1,588

YW has an account so do many of us. Being beat down on facebook is a much much worse than on an 'anonymous' forum like Wazua.

YW has been beaten down more times than he cares to remember in other 'anonymous' forums. That is not a brag but an admission of imperfection and vulnerability.

Recently, YW saw a Wazuan being busted for having multiple accounts. Can YW create another user and try it out? The beat down to possibly arise from that will be less horrific than if it were on facebook. But YW does not want 2 accounts.

YW had thought of changing his username and email to something less conspicuous. But Wazua has no such option. This is not a new phenomenon. Others have had these concerns before YW. Then the new 'YW' will resume from scratch, without baggage of a secondary account.

Can the admin delete a user and all his / her account upon request? If so, YW requests to be deleted totally without much ado, rank notwithstanding.
#31 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 6:03:21 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/23/2009
Posts: 1,626
Overpopulation what if the developed countries took this in and said developing countries do not produce "quality"(whatever that is)?

Truth can't be relative. To imply truth is relative is to also imply that the same statement(truth is relative) is relative. It defeats itself.Perception is relative.

There are books to be read, information to be internalized ..... there is so much to do and not enough time! - On the same page.
Uncertainty is certain.Let go
#32 Posted : Thursday, November 01, 2012 6:39:32 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
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Location: Nairobi
YesuWangu wrote:

YW has an account so do many of us. Being beat down on facebook is a much much worse than on an 'anonymous' forum like Wazua.

YW has been beaten down more times than he cares to remember in other 'anonymous' forums. That is not a brag but an admission of imperfection and vulnerability.

Recently, YW saw a Wazuan being busted for having multiple accounts. Can YW create another user and try it out? The beat down to possibly arise from that will be less horrific than if it were on facebook. But YW does not want 2 accounts.

YW had thought of changing his username and email to something less conspicuous. But Wazua has no such option. This is not a new phenomenon. Others have had these concerns before YW. Then the new 'YW' will resume from scratch, without baggage of a secondary account.

Can the admin delete a user and all his / her account upon request? If so, YW requests to be deleted totally without much ado, rank notwithstanding.

'Beat down?' Then YW has been wrestling instead of dancing.

But this whole business of being is about dancing and singing. And of course there are the warm hugs and kisses, sighs, and other expressions of ardent love and truth!

It has never been about statements but it has always been about bodies warming bodies, eating, drinking . . .paradise, and not till sophistry came did matters take a turn and words become weapons!

But YW and Tycho and many others here in wazua can change all this. I am dying for a good dance myself!

Suppose admin grants YW's request, and a 'hello' is born, what would it say?

There's nothing more to be said in contention! Now we are only left with the task of singing!

Let YW pick himself up!

#33 Posted : Wednesday, June 05, 2013 3:37:51 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/20/2009
Posts: 1,402
YesuWangu wrote:
If it pleases the admin (primarily), YW will implement this thread where he / she will give his / her thoughts on various issues he /she comes across.

Whereas the entire membership can contribute, the thread, for as long as it goes, will be more like a monologue.

YW hopes QW will not be invoked and the thread shut down or YW usered or worse banned like QW.

eiish @YW,

slightly above 3 days is all it lasted..
the oath seemed to insinuate infinitum.
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