If you lived through the days of the dot com failures in wall street, you learned a lot.
The basic story you should learn that internet business is exactly like opening a kiosk. You have to know where the money is coming from, from day 1. Companies that take their initial capital from so called venture capitalists are doomed to failure. That's about 90% of the Kenyan it companies. You can't start a business when you are already in debt and expect to make it.
I wrote somewhere else online that inmobi would die and that dealfish was only good for other well planned companies that would come up to take their space.
These two companies were good for Kenya. Now guys don't fear transacting online. That's the first barrier an internet business has to deal with.
So, lets celebrate guys like Kemibaro. They are the true Godfathers of Kenyan ecommerce.
You should now take advantage of the space they left.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.