Thanx so much for all those who have mailed me expressing their interest and confirmimg their presence on the bungee jumping excursion.
We could go with 12th Dec as long as majority of the participants are Okay with the date. For those who are still confused about the whole thing,details are:
Venue:White Waters Sagana
Date: 20th Dec or 12th Dec(participants will vote for the most convinient) so keep both open for now.
Charges: Will be announced by Monday,am still trying to get a group discount from the guy in charge of bungee at Sagana.
Confirmations: 8 serious peole have confirmed so far and we are still open for more.
Confirm via email :
reggyzoe@yahoo.com and indicate what date between the suggested two is the most convinient for you and if you would prefer self drive or group transport to the venue so that we can then work on the logistics.
Watch this space for more details....
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't..
Nevermind what haters say, ignore them til they fade away - Just live your life