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Genetically Modified food
#21 Posted : Tuesday, July 26, 2011 9:19:59 AM
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Drunkard wrote:
Death is certain for Kenyans, life expectancy is somewhere around 59yrs, USA use GMO food in their daily diet but their life expectancy is 79yrs, a good 20yrs after we die, so I know for sure that if I eat GMO it won't have any effect until I die, if I don't I would potentially die of starvation before my 30th birthday, so don't eat, I will eat!

It is incorrect to relate the life expectancy to the use of GMO. While computing the life expectancy, so many factors are put into consideration the most important being access to health care. However, if you argued that it is better to eat the GMO (whether you will die 5 years after because of it) than die now of starvation, i'd go for GMO any time....

However, where we are now, IMO, i feel it is our priorities that are not right, otherwise, we should be able to sustain ourselves. For example, there are many farmers that are willing to sell their maize in Eldoret and its environs, but the govt would rather buy a bag of GMOs at 3,500/= than buy from our farmers at 3000/=.... how do we empower the farmers to produce more when the government wont support them in a case like this? it is acts like these that do not encourage the young people to see farming as a business.... hence, farming is not taken seriously in this country.
#22 Posted : Tuesday, July 26, 2011 8:56:41 PM
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@ Wendz

Our priorities are not right, I agree with you and to be certain, no one is going to set our priorities right. I come from Eldoret and I can relate with what you're saying but the problem is people don't have them right and neither the government do. So the question is not whether we should change our way of life the question is, how do we save ourselve from starving to death.

Understand that Rift Valley politicians make off alot of money by exploiting farmers and their plights, but I dare you to walk there and tell the people that, your head will be chopped, Rift Valley politics are no difference with Central politics or any other part of the country. So until the people understand what need to be done, all we can do now is to try to save ourselve from starving death, so it is a question of GMO or death.

#23 Posted : Wednesday, July 27, 2011 2:40:39 AM
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Those that are willing to accept GM foods are accepting eventual destruction to the health of the people, who have already suffered under AIDS, for the sake of ease. They are also accepting that GM crops can infect natural crops, thereby affecting total food output safety and quality for the worse.

The REAL solution is desalinization of seawater from the coast and using it to irrigate the land and make Kenya more fertile. We could turn Kenya into the breadbasket of Africa. But this takes VISION and COMMITMENT, unlike the easy fix being tossed to us like feed to cattle by the West. The REAL solution is better training, better fertilizers, cloud seeding, reservoirs, etc. The risky, destructive shortcut is GM food, which is PATENTED and, if you look close, is intellectual property of a few US companies, so they will feel that they have the right to fees and licensing for anyone who uses it.

Those that are willing to accept GM food are the same people that would be willing to accept Britain re-colonizing Kenya because they feel that sovereignty and self-destiny are worth trading for "quick fixes" and lazy ease.

Besides, GM crops aren't magic. They still need water, fertilizer, and hard work! It is not manna from heaven! Can anyone here even tell me what percentage proven greater yields can be achieved with GM crops versus natural crops?



#24 Posted : Wednesday, July 27, 2011 11:49:09 AM
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Swali nyeti...

Is kuku porno not GMO?
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
Jus Blazin
#25 Posted : Wednesday, July 27, 2011 1:05:58 PM
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kingfisher wrote:
Swali nyeti...

Is kuku porno not GMO?

I asked someone the same, why we flock the Kenchics, Galitos, etc to feed on chicken that are 'fully grown'. Kuku porno ni GMO, if you asked me. Si kama ya kienyeji, and many buggers will be against GMOs while ripping these kuku pornos apart.
Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
#26 Posted : Wednesday, July 27, 2011 1:42:03 PM
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The U.S, with the help of a retired four star air force general formed AFRICOM which its purposes was to secure Africa's natural resources.


So, why GMO's in Africa??
#27 Posted : Wednesday, July 27, 2011 5:03:36 PM
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jasonhill wrote:
Those that are willing to accept GM foods are accepting eventual destruction to the health of the people, who have already suffered under AIDS, for the sake of ease. They are also accepting that GM crops can infect natural crops, thereby affecting total food output safety and quality for the worse.

The REAL solution is desalinization of seawater from the coast and using it to irrigate the land and make Kenya more fertile. We could turn Kenya into the breadbasket of Africa. But this takes VISION and COMMITMENT, unlike the easy fix being tossed to us like feed to cattle by the West. The REAL solution is better training, better fertilizers, cloud seeding, reservoirs, etc. The risky, destructive shortcut is GM food, which is PATENTED and, if you look close, is intellectual property of a few US companies, so they will feel that they have the right to fees and licensing for anyone who uses it.

Those that are willing to accept GM food are the same people that would be willing to accept Britain re-colonizing Kenya because they feel that sovereignty and self-destiny are worth trading for "quick fixes" and lazy ease.

Besides, GM crops aren't magic. They still need water, fertilizer, and hard work! It is not manna from heaven! Can anyone here even tell me what percentage proven greater yields can be achieved with GM crops versus natural crops?




Mr Hill your points on what we need to do to fix our food crisis is correct but your points on why we shouldn't accept GM food looks like idological more that factual, first over 80% of Grains in US especially corn are GM so if you want any corn from USA they will be GM corn. Secondly people are starving to dead right now so we need to solve the short term problem first, we need food right now not in 6 months, now!
Thirdly, Kenyans have always known what they need to do to achieve food security and no one is doing, everything you said up there have been said before but we're still starvingg!
Mtu Biz
#28 Posted : Wednesday, July 27, 2011 5:29:46 PM
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This is sad to read. We know what ought to have been done, it has not and may never be done.

Meanwhile people die....

Which country on the earth can we look to that has organic food security ??

Sola Scriptura

#29 Posted : Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:51:22 PM
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You say we need food NOW, which we do. Once again, GM crops aren't instant! They still require hard work, water, sun, and a growing period. So it is not an immediate solution. They are just SOMEWHAT more resistant to pests and SOMEWHAT more resistant to having less water. But how much so? No one has shown me any PROVEN numbers of how well this poison outperforms the growth of of natural crops, using Kenyan soil, in a controlled lab environment in Kenya, where Kenya scientists can witness the results. We just see the Westerners wink, nod, and tell us that it's good for us, just because they poison their own slaves with it (and then offer free health care and welfare to keep the slaves alive). Well, Kenya does not have the slave safety net that the US has. So what is to become of Kenya when this GM food causes massive, widespread diabetes, cancer, obesity (yet malnourishment), imbalance of the ecosystem due to pest over-elimination, and a poisoned water supply? What then? The US has bankrupted their own selves with these experiments; what is to become of Africa?

Reject this nonsense. It is only to be used for biofuel. In other words, don't eat it, BURN IT.

I'm so tired of all the NGOs and charities TALKING about solving food crisises, water crisises, malaria... We have ALL the solutions, yet billions of dollars go to these organizations, yet, who is planting jacaranda trees? Who is desalinizing water? Who is irrigating and teaching better farming practices? Who is teaching farmers how to build refrigerated trucks? Who is converting old matatus to freezer/reefer trucks? I see a lot of money collected charitably, and a lot of salaries being paid to weepy-eyed Westerners, who assuage their guilt by helping the "helpless African", but I don't see many SOLUTIONS. Just endless handouts. Because they don't want solutions. They want to "Play god, and Play master".

If we know the solutions, yet none have be achieved, then the problem isn't scientific, it's political. So GM maize won't help, because there will still be the same problem- people unwilling to act in the best interest of the nation, instead of themselves. So let's focus on the issue at hand, instead of handouts from "the man".

We are able, we are passionate, when will we be WILLING to solve our own problems. The problem and the solution is within our hearts.

Who. Has. A. Heart. For. Kenya?


#30 Posted : Thursday, July 28, 2011 1:01:06 AM
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@ Mr Hill.. GM grain are already sitting somewhere in Mombasa ready to be ship to the people, we're not talking about seeds, we're talking about food, I don't know if you actually know that people are actually starving to dead or not; so I will take you advise for next year not today. I read your entire article and is full of idiologies and dislike of the West, take the dislike and idiology out of your mind, Africa, and particular Kenya, need more sober approach with common sense ideas not idologies. We all know that we've destroy ourselve and our country more that the west have exploit us lets stop pointing fingure.

The NGOs and some charities are actually helping ordinary people and steps in in places government should have but have not, so you might want to stop this bias look at Western countries, but again, you've said in some of your articles that you're American and contradicted yourselve in others by using words like, we kenyans, we african-, I still expect you to put sober mind in some of this things.
#31 Posted : Thursday, July 28, 2011 5:45:40 AM
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Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Drunkard wrote:
@ Mr Hill.. GM grain are already sitting somewhere in Mombasa ready to be ship to the people, we're not talking about seeds, we're talking about food, I don't know if you actually know that people are actually starving to dead or not; so I will take you advise for next year not today. I read your entire article and is full of idiologies and dislike of the West, take the dislike and idiology out of your mind, Africa, and particular Kenya, need more sober approach with common sense ideas not idologies. We all know that we've destroy ourselve and our country more that the west have exploit us lets stop pointing fingure.

The NGOs and some charities are actually helping ordinary people and steps in in places government should have but have not, so you might want to stop this bias look at Western countries, but again, you've said in some of your articles that you're American and contradicted yourselve in others by using words like, we kenyans, we african-, I still expect you to put sober mind in some of this things.

If there is ready, SAFE, healthy food, I have no problem with it being given to the people to keep them from starving to death. But what about next year? And the next? This cannot become a trend.

If there is food that is ready-to-eat and sitting and the people are informed of what it is and the risks, and there is no alternative, then let them have it just to get past a crisis, understanding that nothing is free. There is great cost. But seeds, crops, etc... No.

And as far as my nationality, did Katiba not pass? Can't a person be multi-national, or were you on the "No" team? Either way, I believe that the "Yes" team won the day.

Ideologically, now that the West is out of money, heavily in debt to China, and are cutting programs at home and abroad, what is your plan? Now that "daddy's" fridge is empty, what now, since YOUR ideology never included a plan for self-sufficiency? If you don't learn from a crisis, you are doomed to repeat it.



#32 Posted : Thursday, August 23, 2012 12:35:04 AM
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Really good points by Jason Hill. This GMO initiative is a setup, you cant convince me that you have good intentions of getting rid of famine, and yet you are asking farmers to hand over their traditional seeds in exchange for GMO seeds. If your motives were truly benevolent, why would you want to have a monopoly on what people eat. Like Jason said, these GMO seeds are owned by US companies, mainly Monsanto, so if they succeed to rid African farmers of their traditional seeds, we will be in a situation where we are completely dependent on them for life itself. This is basic supply and demand economics, if a company controls the supply of a commodity, the people are at the companies mercy and the company can charge any price they want. Tell farmers or anyone who grows crops not to give away their seeds. We are being set up for the greatest starvation in history, coz African land will be used to farm crops to be exported to the Western world, the famine that we see now will be nothing compared to what is to come. Eugenics revamped!! If GMO foods are so great, how come organic food stores like Whole Foods in the US are doing so well?Mind you shopping at Whoe Foods costs double sometimes even triple the amount at regular stores. The wealthy dont eat GMO foods, they shop at Whole foods, but the poor are more than willing to acept GMO in the name of stopping hunger, never mind that GMOs will result in cancer, higher food prices, a complete mess up of the eco system, no bees or insects, meaning no pollination, meaning complete dependence on Monsanto. Open your eyes people, nothing is ever free!!
#33 Posted : Thursday, August 23, 2012 2:09:04 AM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
I would encourage EVERYONE to watch a documentary called FOOD INC! Noma. It will open your eyes on how the global agricultural market is manipulated in favour of a few entities thus compromising the health of the population at large

Will do.

Another documentary to watch is "Controlling our food". It's long, but worthwhile. It's on youtube.

Hope our decision makers will make informed decisions.

Farmers, not only in KE, but all over the world must never give up their indigenous seeds, in do so... watch the documentary.

Governments globally should be well informed and protect the civilians.
They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#34 Posted : Thursday, August 23, 2012 2:13:50 AM
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Another issue that needs to be regulated is land.

The full article is at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-17099348

Land grabs are now one of the biggest issues in Africa.

Over the past few years, companies and foreign governments have been leasing large areas of land in some of Africa's poorest countries.

Many commentators have raised concerns that poor villagers will be forced off their land and agribusiness will marginalise family farming.
They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#35 Posted : Thursday, August 23, 2012 2:22:04 AM
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Jason Hill and Nabwire have raised valid points, many of which have been covered in the documentary "Controlling our food"
They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#36 Posted : Thursday, October 04, 2012 6:51:37 PM
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D32 wrote:
youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
I would encourage EVERYONE to watch a documentary called FOOD INC! Noma. It will open your eyes on how the global agricultural market is manipulated in favour of a few entities thus compromising the health of the population at large

Will do.

Another documentary to watch is "Controlling our food". It's long, but worthwhile. It's on youtube.

Hope our decision makers will make informed decisions.

Farmers, not only in KE, but all over the world must never give up their indigenous seeds, in do so... watch the documentary.

Governments globally should be well informed and protect the civilians.

Watched Food Inc. The concluding advise that they gave at the end is spot on.
They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#37 Posted : Monday, December 17, 2012 3:20:31 AM
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EA farmers reject indigenous seeds handover. ARIPO vs EA farmers. The likes of AGRA must not have their way otherwise global food security will become worse.

Some time back in 1991 some president addressed a convention detailing a 'new world order'. Then the oil, drug, food, water & terrorism wars suddenly started.

$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#38 Posted : Friday, December 21, 2012 1:15:47 PM
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Yes, NWO agenda is real.

Ever heard of the Georgia Guidestones?

The stones have been chiseled with the aims / goals of the NWO in eight different languages, one of the languages being Swahili.

The most shocking is that the elitists aim to maintain the worlds population to 500,000,000

The very first objective says "MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500,000,000 IN PERPETUAL BALANCE WITH NATURE"

This means that they will do whatever they have to do: Through wars, GMO's, biological warfare (It's being said that HIV, Ebola, Certain flu's and others were man made for human population control). Google "Human Depopulation HIV" or "Human Depopulation Ebola" or "Human Depopulation flu".

Even vaccinations. Google "bill gates depopulate" - You thought that Gates was helping the world though his vaccination efforts? - It's all population control.

No wonder their second aim on the stones is "GUIDE REPRODUCTION WISELY - IMPROVING FITNESS AND DIVERSITY"

They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#39 Posted : Saturday, January 26, 2013 7:26:27 PM
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First ever study to examine the long-term (lifetime) effects of eating GMO's

They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
#40 Posted : Saturday, January 26, 2013 10:57:09 PM
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D32 wrote:
First ever study to examine the long-term (lifetime) effects of eating GMO's


Scary stuff. Let us hope the people who come into power will have Kenya's best interests. GMO is greed and corruption at its worst, it must not be allowed here.

Proverbs 19:21
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