Poultry Farming - Layers
Rank: Member Joined: 8/20/2008 Posts: 83
A close friend of mine got into this business in mid October 2008 as a first timer. He bought 500 day old chicks (layers). He had been promised that they should have started laying within 5 months,i.e. mid February 2009. Three months later (after feb 09),nothing has happened. The guy is still anxiously waiting. People have resulted to giving several theories as to why the delay. He was advised that changing the feed to layers mash would 'stimulate' the chicks to start laying. He changed the feed from growers mash to layers mash but still,nothing has happened. Of late,a friend vet doctor has advised that they could be delaying to lay because they are congested. Others,are saying that he should slaughter one to see if he could find a ripe ovary.
When I met my friend and explained to me the predicament,I thought of sharing it out here at SK for SKerians who have been at it to give ideas or share especially on the following: The actual period he should wait before seeing the 1st egg; how to clearly determine they are ready; etc etc
Kindly inform
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Rank: Member Joined: 11/15/2008 Posts: 6
I dont know exatly how long it takes for the layers to start laying (6months-1yr) but what i know is that if you dont feed them well when they are young they might disappoint you. Maybe thats the mistake your friend made.Ask him/her to be patient
Enjoy while you can
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/13/2008 Posts: 1,565
Dude/Babe,there was post on poultry farming a while back - pls check the archives (search up there). Other than that,do go ahead and slaughter one of them...in front of all the others...then make it clear what you need them to do!  The problem with equality is that we desire that it be with those that have more than us rather that those that have less
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/2/2006 Posts: 1,206 Location: Nairobi
Hi, I rared some 300 layers a while back but sold after post election violence when food prices doubled and demand fell.First,I hope he got the chics from good agents/hatchery.If he did........they should lay by 6th month latest.Some of mine took 5months and others 6 months. It VERY much depends on the kind and amount of food you give them.Also the weather conditions.Cold conditions delay their laying-like mine were in Nyeri and it was so cold! He should be very worried if he bought them in October and they are still not showing signs. The course of the world is changed by those who dare dream! Formally employed people often live their employers' dream & forget about their own.
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/16/2007 Posts: 2,114
Once they start laying,how many eggs do they lay per day and after how long do they retire?
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/2/2006 Posts: 1,206 Location: Nairobi
@Chaka......Laying depends very much on the right food(layers mash),enough of it......and temperature.When mine were well fed they could lay 270ish eggs per day.......around 88%-93% of the total number per day. The course of the world is changed by those who dare dream! Formally employed people often live their employers' dream & forget about their own.
Rank: Elder Joined: 8/1/2008 Posts: 1,432 Location: Marsabit
@birdman What are some of the best places/agents to buy the chics? Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.. Nevermind what haters say, ignore them til they fade away - Just live your life
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/2/2006 Posts: 1,206 Location: Nairobi
@Leona Are you still interested in the email adds?jnduriri@yahoo.com Otherwise,you can get the day old chics at Muguku Farm(Kikuyu town),Kenchic (it's at Libra Hse) along Mbsa road,also Sigma (I hear some place near Karen i think).I tried getting from Muguku and Kenchic but the demand for layers there was too too high such that if you want chics in December 2009 you had to order for them in May 2009!.......there was however no problem with broiler chics and you can get them within a week.I was impatient so I went to some agent near Wakulima Market and they almost conned me......two months later still no chics! So i gave up and ordered some from an agent in Nyeri which took 30days.I'm not sure whether the demand has changed since them,lakini ya layers is way too high.There is also some place in Kiambu i have heard about where they can sell you the chics and even give you tu-books on the same and cost estimates. The course of the world is changed by those who dare dream! Formally employed people often live their employers' dream & forget about their own.
Rank: Member Joined: 5/7/2009 Posts: 155
@birdman, Thanks for expressing interest to share what you know. Contemplating to start this along Msa Rd. Where can I get material to educate myself?
Which type can give you fast cash? Layers or Broilers?
Use what you have,look for what to save
Rank: Elder Joined: 8/1/2008 Posts: 1,432 Location: Marsabit
@bird man Thanks for the info,much appreciated. I will get back to you on the addresses,but for now..am workimg on another batch i got from a buddy..if it works,then i'll try yours too. Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.. Nevermind what haters say, ignore them til they fade away - Just live your life
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/2/2006 Posts: 1,206 Location: Nairobi
@Leona Cool!......Also realize that the effectiveness of those email addresses really depends on your emailing strategy.You need to write something that will entice the client,and also give it a subject that wont have it rejected as spam. Kindly keep me posted. The course of the world is changed by those who dare dream! Formally employed people often live their employers' dream & forget about their own.
Rank: Member Joined: 6/30/2008 Posts: 63
@ kanyimwa My mum has used Ideal chicks from Naivasha for 5 flocks bila issues.
As for your predicament,the chicken feed could be an issue. Has he introduced layers mash to the flock? Did he wean the chicks by introducing the layers mash gradually? You need to serve adequate amounts to the flock,not necessarily going by the book. Again,Is the place hot or cold. My take is that hotter environments are better for layers. But by 5th month,the layers should get into their biz - LAYING.
All the same,biashara ya layers iko tamu
the world has enough for everyone
Rank: Member Joined: 8/20/2008 Posts: 83
Thanx Fuchu
He introduced layers mash rather late,at the fourth month. He used to feed them as per the guide provided by the breeders. No excess feeding to avoid wastage. The place is moderately hot so the issue of cool temperature does not apply. Besides,he provides 24 hour lighting to the birds.
Will advise based on the info provided here at SK. Thank you once more guys
The definition of your enemy is: 'Your former friend'
Rank: Member Joined: 10/6/2008 Posts: 118
Good feeding will accerelate the returns.
There is also a place in Kerogoya with great demand for Kienyegi chicken. Ready market and immediate cash payments. (check for Kibera's if interested)
Poutry farming will never go wrong with good feeding and proper medication.
Fear sees obstacles,Faith sees opportunities Fear sees problems,Faith sees possibilities Fear sees stumbling blocks,Faith sees stepping-stones!
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/26/2008 Posts: 2,097
@ Fuchu Where in Naivasha did your mum get the Leyers,is it at Kenchic on Kenyatta Avenue? Work like you will die tomorrow,plan like you will never die "Never regret, if its good, its wonderful. If its bad, its experience."
Rank: Member Joined: 5/12/2009 Posts: 266
Hey good people,
I have ready chickens that can be sold to the market,i have excess chicken that exceeds my current supply,so anybody out there who would like to buy chicken at a minimum of ksh 350 per one healthy chicken.
Let me know
Poultry Farming - Layers
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