harrydre wrote:tony stark wrote:The star has decided to remove the article from their website.
Clearly Caroline Mutoko is a dumb shit. She spew vitriol on twitter insulting alai and team and then goes to her facebook to say ...... ooops that wasn't me!
Instead of apologizing and saying I am sorry I stole 300 words of a 600 word article she tries to deviate attention. To add insult to the injury she goes ahead to remove the article from the star website.
Well caroline and the Star google clearly doesn't like pliagiarist idiots the article is available on google cached copies
Please stop being so stupid and apologize to the author!
you will wait for 100 years! she would rather die...
as they say, silence is golden she should just have shut her mouth!
The general malaise in which we treat our profession is sad. Journalist should be the first ones to complain about this stupid behavior. Plagiarism is a very serious offense and the journals I read actually have articles withdrawn due to plagiarism.
The turning a blind eye only ends up deteriorating the general profession. For example if one doctor mismanages a patient the public will be up in arms castigating all doctors, therefore his peers should be the first to reprimand and punish him. The same thing should apply to other "professions".
Anyway what Caroline Mutoko is doing is making "real" journalist look bad, watering down the work they do and generally being a BITCH!