Do the Fringes of Energy Science Offer Real Hope to an Energy-Hungry World?A cheap, clean, efficient, and limitless source of energy – such a discovery would change our world. No longer would we be enslaved to oil nor chained to coal; no more would we struggle to power our societies without destroying our environment.
It is nothing less than today's Holy Grail. And just as thousands of people in years past spent their lives searching for the chalice that held Jesus' blood and bestowed unspeakable powers to its holder, so too do thousands of people today dedicate themselves to the search for this ideal energy source.
Nothing yet fits the bill. Oil, coal, and gas are relatively cheap, but are dirty and limited. The clean sources – such as wind, solar, and geothermal – are expensive and inefficient. Nuclear power is abundant and efficient, but the startup costs are very high, the accidents are scary, and the waste products are long-lived and dangerous.
From there we move into the fringes of energy science, into the weird and wacky world of cold fusion, abiotic oil, and scalar energy. Are these tenable? Leagues of people certainly think so. If there's any chance that one of these oddball options could actually offer a solution to the biggest challenge facing our world today, it is certainly worth a little investigation.