What, stealing em-oh-one's ride, now pips are taking him to court left right and centre - enyewe he's having a very busy retirement.
Some Kenyans really have guts: First you steal a ride (ex-Preso's no less), then you be taking the same car for service at the same CMC yard you stole it from? SMDH
Can you imagine if it was in the 1990s ndo ameshikwo...angevutwa one pubic hair at a time na pliers at a certain Nyayo sth address near GPO.
But Ngumu amethink big hapa:If you want to steal a car, by all means go for a R.Rover Sport and its peers, why steal a Vitz yet the jail term for stealing a car (whatever the make/value) is the same?
@Lolest and @tycho