smh Kaigangio.
On Jun 1 safcom was offering 500 bonus upon IK top up on
mobile phones.In my greed, I removed my Modem sim and topped it up on phone to grab the offer.I just wished I had many sims.
I wasn't interested in all that calling credit cz I browse a lot.I wanted bundles.
My modem had some credo which I hadn't converted to bundles yet.
Now I put my 'loaded sh 1,500sim' back on modem and activated the bundles!!
Alas!.Kumbe the offer was 'unconvertable',
So guess what? it was charging me per min and I ended up losing even the credo that I hadn't converted before!
I wrote to safcom and cursed them like u just did
But these are stuff they will no tell you.
I bought this offer.Probs is its just for midnight so imagine to enjoy it you have to stay awake before offer ends.
Another time I realised that my credo was running down fast at an amazing speed.
Upon opening the browser I would go to the statistics and check the upload and download speed.
I discovered that as soon as I opened the browser my the graph would shoot up like lava!! Things were just downloading and I rem losing like 100MB in just 2 minutes.
I went to safcom customer care and called them conmen!! I was soo bitter and told them I wasn't able to top up cz credo inamwagika.
They tested my modem and it was fine.
So they asked if I have other applications running behind or virus.They even asked me to bring my laptop to their office.
I carried it to office for the IT guys to verify that!
Kumbe my anti-virus had x-pired and dudu was really working behind the scenes downloading stuff.
Then I closed down automatic updates.I decide what and when to update.
Me thinks kuna kitu chewing it up and most of the safcom guys on customer care lines behave like school drop puts.Pretty ignorant.
Well that was what.
If not go there and bring the whole place down.
I just don't know why I can't leave safcom.
Is just in the blood I guess.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.