Hi all,
Where two or 3 wazuans are gathered,a business idea is birthed and brought forth.
It is with this in mind,that I humbly seek advice on the type of business one can engage in,if he has in his posession; a tv,a big 'old cassettes'stereo,a comp and a fridge.
Look around your house and see if you have any electronic junk lying idle.I am sure some wazuans have a store full.
I recently discovered that I had turned some old electronics into tables/surfaces, cz I 4got they exist.
Now,I started clearing my house of junk and discovered the above taking up space.
I want them out, but I also think I can use them in a way that will earn me something.I am always business minded and have done biz in a small scale,so I know I can run a number of things.
-The fridge is a momo, like zile za days of kina Mahegoat/Njuge.I inherited that one.
Problem ni,it accumulates snow! not even ice then it ngurumas kidogo like generator when angry.Food can get lost in there but my dad told me that those were the best fridges them days.
True cz it still works but it has spider webs instead.
-Comp is a desktop.It's very okay but it's heavy with keyboard.
-Tv is Akira lol.My first coloured ka 14 inch tv.It just needs a fundi touch and it will be fine.
Note: By the way a colleague of mine uko mayuu told me that they do electronics waste disposal.
He was like, these unused electronics in the house generate some stuff pole pole tu, resulting in health problems.
That needs a confirmation.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.