hamburglar wrote:Lolest! wrote:hamburglar wrote:
If they enjoy it then let them be...How does someone else's boot being opened affect your life?
Respect other human beings even if you do not agree with their lifestyle, sexual orientation or whatever the case might be, tolerance will really make you objective and eventually a better human being my friend....Just because you wouldn't like it up your ass does not mean somebody else wouldn't like it...To each their own, your responsibility is to be respectful and tolerant to those that are different than you
Ooh, some people feel like having 'it' with animals! Others with corpses!
We let them have fun? Law and morality meet on some of these issues.
Having sex with animals and having sex with corpses is not consensual, gay sex is consensual....That's the difference my friend. Quit with the morality issue, that's not a gay problem alone, how about you see what goes on in heterosexuals bedrooms nowadays and then we can really talk about morality....heterosexuals are doing stuff that would put gay people to shame nowadays but I guess that is okay to you because they are not gay, right? That's moral to you, right? I think we should not oppose for the sake of opposing, even if we have no
solid ground. We need to
listen to the other person so that we know how to respond to what he says. Not you Lolest, I know you are a sober debater.
I do not agree with hamburglar, but he writes some salient points that provokes the intellect and is a mirror of sorts.
The mistake we do is to think the next person cannot make a decision.
Consensual is a very important word. Unless someone is raped and forced to do it against his conscience....
It may be worth noting that the opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality. Homosexuality cannot be measured against heterosexuality for that is not the standard, especially if we are to include the law and morality. Both homosexuality and heterosexuality are measured against purity. This is THE standard.
Many heterosexuals cannot hold a candle to homosexuals in this regard. The ones who can, well, use a different and less militant approach.
By the way, legislating morality, legislating for or against the conscience .... do we really want to enforce christian principles through the civil powers?