maka wrote:@behemmoth they used to stone false prophets,i thnk we shud too...There are tests to know whether a prophet is true...rem by their fruits they are known,we arent judging we are saying as it is...plain and simple.
@maka,Was Jesus a false prophet? They did not only stone Him, they crucified Him.
Do you know why th people of those days didn't believe Him?
In hindsight, it's so easy to believe what happened hundreds of years before,but believing what's happening at the present, is such a tall order.
Why do you think Jesus performed miracles? To convince the masses coz they were not believing Him.
They even called Him prince of demons.
They believed Elijah of second coming [John the Baptist] more than Jesus Himself. They even started referring to John as the "one".
All Christians are waiting for Jesus of second coming,how many would believe Him if He showed up today?
A bunch if any.
Remember He said "They'll come to me saying,we cast demons in your name and I [Jesus] will tell them, I DO NOT KNOW YOU"
Christians, [99%] are old skins,you don't expect them to hold new wine.
The above has lil' to do with Dr.Owuor, but with present day Christians and the prophets/prophecies.
@essyk, Are you saying since the days of New Testament,God got rid of prophets? Prophets have been there since then, only that Christians are stuck in time warp.The good old days of the New Testament. Believing what happened 2012 years ago is so so so easy.