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will KCB come down....
#41 Posted : Friday, July 27, 2012 8:20:10 PM
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Joined: 2/25/2010
Posts: 158
I remember that last year everybody was very bullish about KCB at around this time and come end of the year the share had desceded to below 20. Why cant we learn that this share goes up and comes down each and everytime? The best time to buy KCB is around November/december not now when results are being posted. I was naive some two years ago and i used to buy shares just because some good news had been announced. Nowadays i am wiser, i wait for all the noise to die down then i buy at cheaper prices. Unfortunately all the shares i had bought in November last year i sold in February after i went broke! lesson number two, dont invest in stocks if you have no emergency funds saved up. My two pence worth advice for the naive wanjikus like me
Keeping it all in the family
#42 Posted : Friday, July 27, 2012 8:23:20 PM
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anika66 wrote:
I remember that last year everybody was very bullish about KCB at around this time and come end of the year the share had desceded to below 20. Why cant we learn that this share goes up and comes down each and everytime? The best time to buy KCB is around November/december not now when results are being posted. I was naive some two years ago and i used to buy shares just because some good news had been announced. Nowadays i am wiser, i wait for all the noise to die down then i buy at cheaper prices. Unfortunately all the shares i had bought in November last year i sold in February after i went broke! lesson number two, dont invest in stocks if you have no emergency funds saved up. My two pence worth advice for the naive wanjikus like me

Another lesson for a wanjiku like you.. DONT TIME THE MARKET!!!
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#43 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 2:52:20 PM
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Market cycles have been around for as long as we know history. @Anika66, good lesson right there for all to pick
#44 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 2:54:23 PM
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on the friday,

KCB accounted for 55.1% of turnover with some foreign investors appearing to take profits as the bank reported robust numbers at the close of the previous session. Profit taking was also apparent on Equity Bank, Barclays Bank and to a lesser extent, EABL. (sib)
#45 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:04:02 PM
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mwekez@ji wrote:
Market cycles have been around for as long as we know history. @Anika66, good lesson right there for all to pick

i will certainly get kcb at 20.50 before close of the year or early next year and memba at 19
#46 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:26:50 PM
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bartum wrote:
mwekez@ji wrote:
Market cycles have been around for as long as we know history. @Anika66, good lesson right there for all to pick

i will certainly get kcb at 20.50 before close of the year or early next year and memba at 19

You will be very luck, like those who got it at 15 to get KCB at 20.5. I will surely want to pick KCB at that price!!
#47 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:50:37 PM
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Sold at 24.50,will be back later...lower.
#48 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 4:00:35 PM
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PKoli wrote:
bartum wrote:
mwekez@ji wrote:
Market cycles have been around for as long as we know history. @Anika66, good lesson right there for all to pick

i will certainly get kcb at 20.50 before close of the year or early next year and memba at 19

You will be very luck, like those who got it at 15 to get KCB at 20.5. I will surely want to pick KCB at that price!!

@pkoli on your view what is the lowest kcb can go? Did you see why CIC will be more liquid after 5yrs
#49 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 4:57:52 PM
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bartum wrote:

i will certainly get kcb at 20.50 before close of the year or early next year and memba at 19

cnn wrote:
Sold at 24.50,will be back later...lower.

This may be viewed as greed.. Would the stock at current prices be considered cheap / fairly valued / expensive??

There are too many variables to base your decisions on market cycles..

You guys should really talk to those wazuans who sold KK @11.80-12.50 aiming to re enter @ 9bob based on MARKET CYCLES.. We all saw their posts here just like these above!!

The disaster that followed led to the disappearing of @QW
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#50 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 6:05:39 PM
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Joined: 6/17/2009
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@guru,when my profits targets are met and/or i feel the upside move is limited in the short term i gladly take my money,i did with KK at 15.65-16.10 and have done with KCB at 24.50....other opportunities whether in the same or other counters will come.
#51 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 7:34:37 PM
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guru267 wrote:
bartum wrote:

i will certainly get kcb at 20.50 before close of the year or early next year and memba at 19

cnn wrote:
Sold at 24.50,will be back later...lower.

This may be viewed as greed.. Would the stock at current prices be considered cheap / fairly valued / expensive??

There are too many variables to base your decisions on market cycles..

You guys should really talk to those wazuans who sold KK @11.80-12.50 aiming to re enter @ 9bob based on MARKET CYCLES.. We all saw their posts here just like these above!!

The disaster that followed led to the disappearing of @QW

@guru, in KK, an extraordinary event set in that pushed KK price to the current level. And more upward movement could still be in store for KK.

In the case of KCB, what is the extraordinary thing that will push KCB out of the cycle? The bank is currently facing a strong resistance at 25 - 27 range.
#52 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 7:59:48 PM
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profit forecast met but iam on market cycles,last year when kcb was at 28 you couldnt image it at 22,it alas it come to 14.80(thought the countries outlook was bleak) but still it printed 14 something .......it will not get to 14.8 now but 20.8 i can bet. You remember one time kcb grew at paltry 5%?how was the mood here,even fellow said MOO owns zero shares of kcb blah blah...also iam not saying that is the mood now,i'm trying to say anything is possible for kcb.
#53 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 8:26:52 PM
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Mwekez@ji wrote:
@guru, in KK, an extraordinary event set in that pushed KK price to the current level. And more upward movement could still be in store for KK.

In the case of KCB, what is the extraordinary thing that will push KCB out of the cycle? The bank is currently facing a strong resistance at 25 - 27 range.

These are called variables and anything can happen to break the cycle!!

Wazuans listen clear. The only reason KCB fell to 14bob in Dec 2011 is because of the tbill rate which was peaking @ 21%.. It was NOT because of some "market cycle"

What if tbill rates drop to single digits in H2 2012?? Dont you think it is only logical that stocks will shoot up to more reasonable P/E ratios??
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#54 Posted : Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:16:32 PM
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bartum wrote:
profit forecast met but iam on market cycles,last year when kcb was at 28 you couldnt image it at 22,it alas it come to 14.80(thought the countries outlook was bleak) but still it printed 14 something .......it will not get to 14.8 now but 20.8 i can bet. You remember one time kcb grew at paltry 5%?how was the mood here,even fellow said MOO owns zero shares of kcb blah blah...also iam not saying that is the mood now,i'm trying to say anything is possible for kcb.

I wish we had such perfect cycles. Be careful as you wait for KCB at 20.8, this time the cycle might not repeat itself. I see the country taking off on a trajectory after the elections and some of the prices will never be realized.
#55 Posted : Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:41:00 AM
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PKoli wrote:
Be careful as you wait for KCB at 20.8, this time the cycle might not repeat itself..

So you also believe that it was a "market cycle" that drove KCB to 14bob in 2011??

The TBILL rates were above 20% driving the stock market lower!
If tbill rates fall below 10% the stock market will be driven higher!

Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#56 Posted : Sunday, July 29, 2012 10:08:29 AM
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If euroland goes kaboom coz of the debt bomb then all equity markets will behave like a repeat of GFC. But euroland unravelling is much worse than lehman since these will be sovereign default triggering and not companies!

Now if such a scenario occurs with the KE tbills/tbonds at the current high rates, I expect capital to fly straight into them from NSE. That is a scenario that would give CBK & Treasury nightmares. The question will be how to stem of that capital flight which will starve the econ (as well as equities) the little liquidity it has now. Remember the KE econ is on a slowdown...

The positive side is after the panic phase is over a massive CBR cut with other emergency easing tools will be implemented to flush out big money from esp tbills back into the econ as a liquidity flood boost. Chances are equities will be at a discount (I prefer a fat tail - ridiculous oversold) during the panic as well as USDKES could take a knock towards 90 or above.

So rather than just see it as a KE picture, the outlier is what is worrying. Watch out for that euro debt bomb. It is coming. What are the signs so far: -

- Spanish bond yields as well as Italian yield getting to unsustainable levels. Just check out how big this econs are in euroland.

- CBs are starting to talk about using 'tools' at what ever cost. SNB first, now ECB next week I expect the US Fed bank to say something in those lines.

- Many euroland nations are sinking into recession and some headed for depression. The effect has made the bond yields of the 'stronger' euro nations to turn negative!

- China is talking about easing and a slowdown is underway.

- USD & Japan bond yields likely to go negative - capital flight intensifying.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#57 Posted : Sunday, July 29, 2012 11:03:43 AM
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hisah wrote:
If euroland goes kaboom coz of the debt bomb then all equity markets will behave like a repeat of GFC. But euroland unravelling is much worse than lehman since these will be sovereign default triggering and not companies!

We have been waiting too long for eurozone to go Kaboom...

I think Eurozone countries will be forced into a complete fiscal union that will completely solve the issues!

I also think Kenya is reaching a decoupling phase with Europe!
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#58 Posted : Sunday, July 29, 2012 11:24:44 AM
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anika66 wrote:
I remember that last year everybody was very bullish about KCB at around this time and come end of the year the share had desceded to below 20. Why cant we learn that this share goes up and comes down each and everytime? The best time to buy KCB is around November/december not now when results are being posted. I was naive some two years ago and i used to buy shares just because some good news had been announced. Nowadays i am wiser, i wait for all the noise to die down then i buy at cheaper prices. Unfortunately all the shares i had bought in November last year i sold in February after i went broke! lesson number two, dont invest in stocks if you have no emergency funds saved up. My two pence worth advice for the naive wanjikus like me

... It might not work with KCB. Works perfect with Pan- Africa Insurance.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
#59 Posted : Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:59:50 PM
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bartum wrote:
PKoli wrote:
bartum wrote:
mwekez@ji wrote:
Market cycles have been around for as long as we know history. @Anika66, good lesson right there for all to pick

i will certainly get kcb at 20.50 before close of the year or early next year and memba at 19

You will be very luck, like those who got it at 15 to get KCB at 20.5. I will surely want to pick KCB at that price!!

@pkoli on your view what is the lowest kcb can go? Did you see why CIC will be more liquid after 5yrs


It will be a miracle if KCB will go below 23. I could still not understand the CIC issue. You were writing in cryptic English.
#60 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 2:05:25 AM
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@guru t-bill rates are not looking like going down anytime soon,they are actually on the up like the recent 91 day...the biggest most decisive thing at the moment is the political risk...direction of the market will map itself out when its known who will be on the ballot...KCB below 23 is a sure BUY.
possunt quia posse videntur
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