If euroland goes kaboom coz of the debt bomb then all equity markets will behave like a repeat of GFC. But euroland unravelling is much worse than lehman since these will be sovereign default triggering and not companies!
Now if such a scenario occurs with the KE tbills/tbonds at the current high rates, I expect capital to fly straight into them from NSE. That is a scenario that would give CBK & Treasury nightmares. The question will be how to stem of that capital flight which will starve the econ (as well as equities) the little liquidity it has now. Remember the KE econ is on a slowdown...
The positive side is after the panic phase is over a massive CBR cut with other emergency easing tools will be implemented to flush out big money from esp tbills back into the econ as a liquidity flood boost. Chances are equities will be at a discount (I prefer a fat tail - ridiculous oversold) during the panic as well as USDKES could take a knock towards 90 or above.
So rather than just see it as a KE picture, the outlier is what is worrying. Watch out for that euro debt bomb. It is coming. What are the signs so far: -
- Spanish bond yields as well as Italian yield getting to unsustainable levels. Just check out how big this econs are in euroland.
- CBs are starting to talk about using 'tools' at what ever cost. SNB first, now ECB next week I expect the US Fed bank to say something in those lines.
- Many euroland nations are sinking into recession and some headed for depression. The effect has made the bond yields of the 'stronger' euro nations to turn negative!
- China is talking about easing and a slowdown is underway.
- USD & Japan bond yields likely to go negative - capital flight intensifying.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!