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Sperm bank in Kenya?
#21 Posted : Wednesday, November 18, 2009 1:02:00 PM
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Thou shall judge not. You do not,and may never know why these women choose sperm donation as opposed to the natural route. As for your words below,they're too strong and do not entirely hold any water..

...'It is wrong for a child to be born without a father,a human right violation without being the product of love but rather the result of a A.I.I feel sorry for kids born this way,out of selfishness of man.How will they feel when they discover their mothers practised whoredom to concieve them?..'

Remember,there are women who are raped,and they conceive,these women have no clue who the father of their child is,and the conception is purely not out of love,but out of selfishness and the evil deeds of man..

And what about those men who take off once they hear that the lady is pregnant?never to be seen again? These kids are born grow up without a father,Yeah,we all know a number of such cases out there

Then,there are those married couples who cannot bear kids,because the man is sterile,and because the man cannot bear to see his wife sleep with another man yet he wants kids,they opt for the woman to get a sperm donor,this way they will never meet the kids dad and the wife wont have to sleep with another man,thus competition for a dad and a potential lover is slim...as far as the man is concerned that is:)

There are thousands of reasons why people opt to go for sperm donation...

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#22 Posted : Wednesday, November 18, 2009 5:11:00 PM
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nothing else but just copying the west

#23 Posted : Wednesday, November 18, 2009 6:13:00 PM
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Thanks all for sobriety coz no vulgarity so far!! Yep SK fraternity has matured.But the question remains:How are the seeds harvested........?Well I have no doubt pertaining to the quality of my seeds.....that is for those who have cast aspersions on the same!!!

As for the reasons why people withdraw(no pun intended) from this bank is neither here nor there.....everyone is entitled to one's freedom of choice.So moralist just take a hike!The banks could not exist if they served no purpose.Do not open an account here if you already have it down there!!!!

Share ideas for a better Kenya!!
#24 Posted : Thursday, November 19, 2009 5:44:00 AM
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I am not judging single parents nor do I have the right to.Accidents and incidents beyond human control do happen and lead to single parenthood.
But I am against the so called emancipated women who prefer a child without a man
for their own personal fulfillment.The child in this case is the victim of such careless choices.

As concerning whoredom: isn`t the buying and selling of sperm a form of self prostitution? Isnt wanking wrong? Why dont people sell children? Or why dont they sell donated blood? Yet its okay to sell sperm? I dont get it.

But as Miser says its a personal choice regardless of whether its right or wrong,just as abortion is.Well we`ll just have live with the consequences.
The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
#25 Posted : Thursday, November 19, 2009 2:41:00 PM
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Guys,what about a man who wants a tot without the drama of a damsel? Iko 'egg' or 'ova' bank? How are ovas harvested?

@ miser,here's an imaginary process-flow: unapewa test-tube na magazine as you are shooed into a room by a very pretty thing with a knowing smile,as she tells u to go on ahead and have fun with yourself' unfortunately she closes the door behind you...minutes later and panting,unapitia kwa cashier with the test-tube now full and as you fix your belt cashier furiously writes for you a cheque...

..there's nothing,absolutely nothing really,that I can't do if I put my mind to it.
#26 Posted : Thursday, November 19, 2009 3:12:00 PM
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If you are given an ova,what will you do with?As an embryo it as it can only survive in the uterus
#27 Posted : Thursday, November 19, 2009 3:26:00 PM
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@Chaka. I asked around and got a few answers.
Ova banks exist for women with fertility problems and for career women who want to postpone motherhood. Am not aware of such a bank in Kenya,even Africa. Fertility problems like premature ovarian failure,ineffective ovaries,post ovarian surgery,post chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer,premature menopause,repeated IVF failures and menopausal mamas who have lost a child and want another troop to ova banks. I understand the egg is retrieved in 20min with the help of an ultrasound machine.
I guess availability of ova banks are closely tied to where surrogatemotherhod is accepted and available and we are far from there. I don't know whether it is within the realm of human technology to create uterus-like conditions and 'cheat' the embryo it is in the uterus (just like chickens are 'cheated' to lay 2 eggs per day instead of one!)!!
#28 Posted : Sunday, November 22, 2009 5:23:00 AM
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>> what struck most is_ they pay 3k per 'donation'_ and charge 300k for the 'donation'....that's absurd profit,or does it cost 297k to freeze sperm....that guy making babies should in fact pandisha hiyo bei to kendo 400k.....and go like_ ni ya leo ni ya leo,sperm freshi kabisa,sperm moto hapa.........

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#29 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2009 9:00:00 AM
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@kenmac...u r sick or something more than that.Ati ni ya leo ni ya leo...bei ya jioni.

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#30 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2009 1:13:00 PM
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Kenyatta National Hospital,kuna sperm bank. They don't do it for you,you get a jar,go into a cubicle and masturbate! How else do you think they do it? Your question should be,whose photos do they have on those cubicle walls? Am imagining Foxy Brown? Brick (of Brick & Lace)? Ciara? Queen Latifah? My all favorite dream girls! Tembea huko ujue!

But you can only donate once every month,it's all good. At least it's more fun than extracting ovaries!

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#31 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2009 1:36:00 PM
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Skiza wana...it's KShs. 4,500/= per shot. Not quite bad. It's safe (no infections),but without the fun and thrill like on K - Street. Not bad for a broke weekend.

'A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on' - Samuel Goldwyn.
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