hamburglar wrote:
I will answer this question...NO, I would not care...Is it against the law to be gay? People need to live and let live. Mind your own business...As long as the gay people are not doing anything illegal, then LET THEM BE. Jeez people, WTF?
yep buglar, it is in Kenya and many other nations as well.
Juts cz it's legal in nyc,SA etc doesn't mean it is everywhere.
You know why it shall always make headlines? It interfers with the natural order of things and that is just wrong.
Of the phyllum of mammals, man is the only sad creature that has changed this order.
If a famous guy publicly declares his unatural status we would sure like to know why.
Not that it wouldn't stop me from breathing No,but it would help me understand a very unnatural trend and it's impact on a society I live in.
We humans just like animals need to maintain a perfect ecosystem/balance for things to work well in future,but gays imo are destabilising it.
At this rate this is what I foresee.
-More women will turn lesbian
-polygamy will be on the rise and so will immorality.
-It's obvious,gays can't reproduce on their own, so they adopt.The adopted kids are most likely to end up gays so they will adopt again.
And the cycle repeats itself till we develop a deep culture of adopting without procreating.
In the end we will have less babies left to adopt and a society full of young potential gays/lesbians who will need to adopt but adopt what? maybe cats.
And that will be the end of the human race.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.