African “religions” are no less sacred and no more sinister than the foreign imported beliefs but have been popularly perceived and reduced as "fetishes", "idolatry" ,"black magic", largely “polytheistic” and spiritually unevolved, lacking its own profound spiritual dimension.
Denounced as obscene, discarded by many, substituted for another in a manner that rendered these imported bloodguilt faiths as an antidote to the seemingly “backward” traditional systems on the ”Dark Continent”.
Today many Africans have less knowledge concerning the traditional systems in their full capacity in their original packages against the unattractive caricatures that have been widely portrayed.
However there is no denying there were some reprehensible practices on the continent; there’s no denying this at all because no society is exempt from ever harbouring any deplorable beliefs but the malpractices in Africa have been used to summarize entire belief systems.
Now I wonder and doubt if it has ever been seriously considered if these systems could have still been enough minus the "malpractices" that formed a component but not the whole.
Was it possible to modify the ancient systems instead of replacing them completely?
Could the systems not have been reformed?
Did African Religions need to be entirely substituted?
Was our best bet at “salvation” only via an imported system(s)?
work to prosper