@Rock - You are right.
The parent's or lady's financial situtation is not a big deal. Pesa ni kutafutwa hutafutwa. So broke or rich, no big deal!
But I agree with you on the trust issue. The guy needs to find out if the lady can be trusted. She could be lying through and through!
For starters, the kid they are expecting might not be the dude's. The small "sisters" and "brothers" might be her kids. The three uncaptured years on her CV, she might have been at Langata Womens Prison.
The dude needs to take time and investigate. This is a LIFE TIME decision!
If it turns out the lady was just ashamed of her financial status, they can talk it over and he forgives her - and also encourage her to be herself and proud of who she is and whatever she's got.
If it turns out she is a serial liar, he should bolt like Usain.
The kid - DNA, and if the it is his, he supports the kid regardless of the other details.
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.