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Mavuno - Whats up?
#21 Posted : Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:06:00 AM
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iko wapi hii mavuno church??
#22 Posted : Thursday, December 18, 2008 9:13:00 AM
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its at the former Belle vue cenema on mombasa rd.

Be greedy when others are fearful,be fearful when others are greedy.
#23 Posted : Thursday, December 18, 2008 9:22:00 AM
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@ ngwono

you see ngwono,if i end up in the wrong place just because you were economical with the truth about the place,in Gods eyes,is it righteousness? if i 'got lost' would you justify your actions by the fact that you did not want to talk about bad things that you saw or experienced in Mavuno?

...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#24 Posted : Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:32:00 PM
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I am a Mavuno member and those of who who have never been there should check it out. We believe that we serve a Real God who is involved in our Real issues and and is big enough to be there for us when we ask Him to be. P Square and other musicians offer a world view that is contrary to what a God fearing person should believe. At Mavuno,we present that world view that we are all so used to and then present it in the light of Gods word to make it relevant.

B the way,if you think Mavuno is out of the ordinary,check out our sister church Mavuno Downtown at Tintin Restaurant KICC at 10AM on Sunday,I can assure you it rocks especially if you are 30yrs and below.

Check out our website www.mavunochurch.org for a sample of the brochure with lady with crossed legs,goto sermons&gt;players of the bible. Listen to the sermon.

Rather than spending all your time reading about the future and trying to figure the nuances of what is it might hold,may be you should spend at least as much time getting to know Him better (David Jeremiah)
They must find it difficult....... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority. -G. Massey.
#25 Posted : Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:11:00 PM
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Never heard of it but from the description here its end time.love of money,immorality has become the norm.beware of devil worship in church

Do not judge me by my name.I'm a super star******
Isaiah 65:17-Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore
#26 Posted : Friday, December 19, 2008 5:40:00 AM
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I have taken a look at that brochure and i don't think it is very appropriate for any church material. I dont think something like that would be printed by JC

Make the money
#27 Posted : Friday, December 19, 2008 9:58:00 AM
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what is 'church material'. The reason we are where we are as a society is because we have dichotomized our minds into 'church mode' and 'world mode'. We are holy and nice on sunday but cursing and bribing on Monday morning. Mavuno is a church that has decided,' lets not pretend that we are all holy in church'. We are trying to reach out to that generation that will only come to church if they think and feel its cool to be in church. We are reaching out to the world with the instruments avilable to us in this day and age. By the way,did you listen to the sermons?. Paul declares in the bible that he became all things to all men just for the sake of spreading the gospel. That brochure that you say should not be in church is the same one that brought someone to church,He/she heard the gospel and has been attending church since then. Mavuno is trying to be creative to bring into church those who would ordinarily not go to church because they believe you cant have fun in church. Yet the bible is quite clear that 'He came so we may have life and have it more abundantly.'

I know what I am saying when I say have life more abunduntly. I used to rave and have fun with my peers back then in campus..... until I got saved and discovered what real fun is.

Oh by the way,I think JC would print it if He thought it would bring a certain Kamau,Atieno or Kirui from the bar and into church

Rather than spending all your time reading about the future and trying to figure the nuances of what is it might hold,may be you should spend at least as much time getting to know Him better (David Jeremiah)
They must find it difficult....... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority. -G. Massey.
#28 Posted : Friday, December 19, 2008 10:28:00 AM
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I tend to disagree with majority of the contributors here.... First,we have to make God look good to the society,by saying this,I mean we have to move away from deception,where we think that Hip Hop and Reggae is the the way.... e.g I look at Kirk Franklin,his music is just perfect,no imitation nothing.. thats how we need to think.

Deception makes us think that what we see and hear is better than what we can do! I also believe that the more we 'try to take it back' the more they take it further away..

I also think that its not about Churches,to me church is more of a religion,what we need to think about is raising Christians!..

What we are.. God made us.. What we know... God taught us... what we have.. God gave us.. Who we are.. He made us!

wish is yesterday,hope is tomorrow.. today we make or break!
#29 Posted : Friday, December 19, 2008 12:20:00 PM
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While the justification of the happenings at Mavuno is almost convincing,I still think we need to either redefine christainity or call a spade a spade. In chritianity,the end does not justify the means and so using the lady in the bronchure to draw a crowd is wrong and thelogically misplaced.

Some one coming to church usually is tired of the 'world' and is escaping,if he/she then find the what she was tired of being introduced in church...what a dissapoinment.

Rom 6:1-2

Rom 6:1

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound?
Rom 6:2

By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?
God is not in desperate campaign but he seeks to open peoples to see that he who want to lose his life will gain it but he who want to gain will lose. Deny yourself...Thats was Jesus message.

- The apostle is very full in pressing the necessity of holiness. He does not explain away the free grace of the gospel,but he shows that connexion between justification and holiness are inseparable. Let the thought be abhorred,of continuing in sin that grace may abound. True believers are dead to sin,therefore they ought not to follow it. No man can at the same time be both dead and alive. He is a fool who,desiring to be dead unto sin,thinks he may live in it.

Keep Diggin
...We must either find a way or make one...
#30 Posted : Friday, December 19, 2008 12:27:00 PM
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Let me give my two cents to this heated debate.........

I have not been to Mavuno nor seen the brochure that is bieng referred to here,however i appreciate the fact that mavuno is trying to be creative and relevant to the current society as possible and no wonder the youth are flocking in.....paul said that to the romans i will be like a roman to the jews i will be a jew.but if we look at the life of paul or 'JC' do we see any compromise or extremes? What we need to look at here is 'striking a balance'. paul talked about Gods grace which was readly availabe to all but do we fustrate that grace by going to one extreme? I believe the chuch is a place where the sinner can find God by bieng seeing diffrence from the world but not a place to 'go have fun' and then go home the same! Just like a truely born again christian would not go to a stripe club or drink the whole night and remain the same.The church should not be a place where religius fanatics also go to pump themselves up with emotions but a place where we meet with God together with other believers and have fellowship but indeed we must walk with God from Monday to Sunday.

The best is yet to come!
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
#31 Posted : Friday, December 19, 2008 9:41:00 PM
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Are we as a church called to be Christ-like ama to make Christ more like us?..its like we think God is impotent..(God forbid!)....in this generation n He is desperately in need to be made 'relevant'!!.... Yaani tuna chukua pointers from the worldly and satan on how to worship??? Manze kwani what kind of God is this who has become outdated.. obsolete..and irrelevant to these puny things He created? We hav become so engrossed with ourselves so much we think the universe and all its grandeur bows to us..we only accept a God who is subject to our interpretation,perspective and convinience!!! Something is terribly terribly terribly wrong somewhere! The fear of God so left us such tuna fanya vile tunafeel! We live in a generation where u can dismiss God n sleep soundly with the abandonment of reckless youth!!
....... Where sin abound..there grace abound even more!..we'v presumed God's Grace to be a sign of weakness!..jus because somethin works doesn't make it right! Church is not a place for sinners to chill out n get over hangovers! .... Shall we continue in sin that Grace may abound? God forbid!

' I have heard of You,o Lord. Now mine eyes have seen thee!! Baal-Perazim.. The Lord of the Breakthrough!!'
#32 Posted : Saturday, December 20, 2008 5:13:00 AM
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@ wakanyugi

you crack me up big time. I think that was a great attempt at making the bible relevant to our society. How many christians still read the original King James Version of the bible? If you are reading a simpler version to understand,have you cheapened Gods word? Have the bible translators given God a helping hand He does not need by coming up with different versions to suit diffferent societies and languages?

How will they get saved except by hearing,and by that,hearing the word of God? How will they hear the word of God if they dont come to church?

Rather than spending all your time reading about the future and trying to figure the nuances of what is it might hold,may be you should spend at least as much time getting to know Him better (David Jeremiah)
They must find it difficult....... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority. -G. Massey.
#33 Posted : Saturday, December 20, 2008 5:15:00 AM
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Ok,I think most of you guys here have it all wrong what is happening at Mavuno. Why are we concetrating on the lady in the brochure and the songs that were sang that as many of you put it ' were not right',I take this oppotunity to invite all of you to Mavuno so that you can make informed judgments.

Personally the sermons at Mavuno are life changing,they make me want to live right a righteous life that is free of sin. I enjoy the service no doubt,I love the singing and all,but I can tell you that I never walk out the same. Will give an example of a Sermon given a while back by Pastor S,about ruining your life by 40,the readings were from the story of Paul who at the end said,I have fought a good fight,I have finished the race,I have kept the faith.

How many of you,those who are past 40,started off well as a gorup of friends with good jobs and business ideas seemingly very promising,how many of your friends went off the way at some point and now they have made such huge messes of their lifes and you do is silently wonder what happened to them??? Am young I want to do what is right before my God. I look forward to Sundays because I know for sure I will get the oppotunity to litsen from the word of God a sermon that is relevant to my life today and that will make me want to live right!

Welcome to Mavuno if I was to tell you of the sermons that have changed my life I would type all day. Lets focus on the real issues here and lets not let side show deviate us from our purpose!
#34 Posted : Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:38:00 AM
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I can hear you loud and clear.What you are trying to put a cross is correct.Lemme say that am not being economical with info,its only that am always a bit hesitant in making some comments.

Honestly,about my experience during that service is that i was floating and i that that this could have been due to the generational gap.Hope you can hear me well.But then am still not able to judge coz i do not know which kind of fruits that they do bear outside there.You know that the bible tells us that we shall know them by the fruits that they bear.

For you who need to know the right church to join,you just need to inquire from the Lord and He will direct to perfectly.Do not just wake up in the morning and walk into any Church before praying ablout it.If you request for our opinions the way Ali did then we will give you various suggestions but remember Gods opinion is always the best.Finally,wherever you go,please note that Church members there are human being and you will encounter some difficulties in one way or the other.By that i mean that there is no perfect church just the same way we do not have a perfect human being.Only God is perfect.

With that i do not mean that we should compromise to sin at any way at any cost.We serve a holy God and we must be Holy.We also have to appreciate the fact that what is outside reflects what is inside.People should look at and see Jesus in us.We should not please men but God only.It is the Jesus in us who should attract people not any other thing.We should be prepered mon to sun,24/7 and not on just paricular day.

I have a real life story when it comes to holiness and the church and the victims had to quit the church.Am not happy that they left us but we couldnt compromise.A lady was to divorce her husband coz of poverty and marry another in the same church and the wedding was already arranged,we had to say a big NO,things doesnt work like that.i was hated and they even threatened to take me to court coz of that.I remember telling them to go a head,the God who saved Paul and Silas from the Jail would have saved me.But then,they opted to disappear in thin air.

The question to ponder,should we have millions of members in the church who are going nowhere or have as few pple as possibe who shall make it to heaven?

Without Holiness no man shall see God.Dear God,mould me to be a vessel of honour at this End times,to remain Obedient to your Word in all situations.Amen!
#35 Posted : Tuesday, December 23, 2008 3:36:00 PM
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There are no topics that are off-limits in mavuno. It will turn into an MBA class any day,where they are encouraged to buy rich dad poor dad. I am not saying it's wrong,just not sure when we crossed the thin line.
Then a small movie in between the service. and i can tell you art directors are at work. complicated stuff. I highly encourage everyone to attend,and may be feel that awkwardness in this youthful sophistication. The voices at the altar are so fine tuned,from the pastor to major speakers.

Obviously i don't want to come out as a hater. so go take your look,then comment. I actually loved it when i attended,coz it flows seamlessly in the service. But something kept asking inside me whether they were trying too hard.

'We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them'

Albert Einstein
#36 Posted : Tuesday, December 23, 2008 3:55:00 PM
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'Manze kwani what kind of God is this who has become outdated.. obsolete..and irrelevant to these puny things He created?'


Your rant reminds me of the the bible thumping Christianity that repelled me. The carrot and stick God of worship me or else...

Have you ever wondered why JC did not start his own church? He could have. Or why he did not condemn the K-street girl. Or why he scattered his disciples to the four winds rather that incoporate 'Holier than Thou Ltd' complete with preferential shares in heaven as some preachers would like us to believe today?

You speak of a changing God as if it is the greatest abomination that could ever happen. Who created change? And how many times has Christianity changed? In fact the good thing with Mavuno type change is that it is being brought about by its own practitioners - the owners as it were.
The council of Nicaea,which compiled the Bible and created the Christian dogma you seem to think should never change,was convened by politicians.

Don't get me started.
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#37 Posted : Tuesday, December 23, 2008 5:00:00 PM
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@wakanyugi.... Heh! Heh! Sorry for sounding fanatical..its just nowadays the line between christ lyk living and secularism is so blurred!! The church is getting worldly to such extend that we'v settled for non accountability and unrighteous living since we are afraid to lose numbers.... I went to a church in ngong and the instrumentalist there were launching a secular..seriously rounchy album in nu metro a few weeks back..a band call pentamony.. The church is busy becomin worldly so much..while the world is becoming churchy too. Sorry if my post is radical but it seems the same way secularism has taken over christmas..is the same way it is taking over church...Guys doing church coz its a cool thing to do. And its becomin easy to be a christian without fear of God..not 'fear' in terms of utachapwa kiboko!..but that reverend fear of respecting and honoring God and his word is really gone....

' I have heard of You,o Lord. Now mine eyes have seen thee!! Baal-Perazim.. The Lord of the Breakthrough!!'
#38 Posted : Tuesday, December 23, 2008 5:44:00 PM
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Mos mos Jaduong. I do tend to get carried away myself,the church/god/Christianity et al being the one subject capable of pushing my buttons,although I belong/believe to/in neither.

The co-option of Christianity by secularism is not a bad thing in my mind. Think about it - in the early days the message of JC needed a vehicle in order to propagate. The organization of the Church,which Paul and Peter invented - love it or hate it - provided that vehicle and changed the message for ever. It seems to me that the message is in need of a new vehicle today and commercial secularism could be it. After all,the biggest religion on earth today is not Christianity. It is shopping.

I don't know if Christianity is cool or has ever been.

But I can say for a fact that JC has always been cool. Do you remember the hippie movement? The reformed Marxism or,more recently,liberation theology? They all borrowed from the image of a JC who kicks butt,especially where injustice is concerned. Even the Che Guevara cult has benefited from the image of a JC type hero who wears a black beret and packs an AK47 on behalf of the oppressed.

When I was a teenager there was popular line of open shoes that we called 'Tu-Jesus.' To this day Lloyd Webber&rsquo;s 'Jesus Christ Superstar' (Mavuno should screen it one day) remains my greatest musical of all time.

So when I go to church and see that fellow foaming at the mouth,trying to scare me to God even as he pretends to speak for Christ,I can not understand what he is talking about. And I am not alone. Thanks to brave pioneers like Mavuno,the youth of today have an alternative that does not include rebelling from the God of their parents.

JC has always appealed to young people. It is the elders who don't get it.

Don&rsquo;t forget to have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones (none secular or not).
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#39 Posted : Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:35:00 PM
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Joined: 11/19/2008
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2peter 2:1 false prophets arose among the people just as ....false teachers....who will secretly introduce destructive heresies..is mavuno among these?

Do not judge me by my name.I'm a super star******
Isaiah 65:17-Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore
#40 Posted : Wednesday, December 24, 2008 6:24:00 AM
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I would like to invite you Fundaah for a sermon at mavuno before you judge. In fact,this sunday 28th is a thanksgiving service. Come and hear how people have drawn closer to God through being members at Mavuno. Again,let me restate though its been said several times before,Mavuno is about changing the way Christianity / God is packaged. The bible and God remain the same as they have always been. Think of it this way,even coporations relaunch their brands to make them more stylish and appealing to a younger generation,but the product remains the same. Jesus tells us that our primary role as Christians is to spread the word of God............... by whatever means. Even Paul did not stop those who were preaching against him and telling lies..... as long as Christ was preached. Once the person has come to church and heard the message,its up to them to decide whether to follow the way of Christ or not.

I had a shock the other day. Someone told me that church is not so much for me the already converted but is for those who are not converted. If I am a Christian,I have my bible study group for fellowship and shariing and have my daily Quiet Time to learn and be taught by the creator Himself,examine what I hear in church and seek God daily. So really,its not about church conforming to my Christian tastes but its about creating a church and being a person, that will appeal(by having christ qualities) to the unconverted that they may come and hear and decide for themselves.

Rather than spending all your time reading about the future and trying to figure the nuances of what is it might hold,may be you should spend at least as much time getting to know Him better (David Jeremiah)
They must find it difficult....... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority. -G. Massey.
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