@mjuaji - Suggestion.
If you (& your friends, chamas, SACCOs) offer s/holders a HIGHER price than Puma, then go see CMA, prepare a bid at a higher price, then ask s/holders for their shares.
Most Minority s/holders will sell to the highest bidder.
In my opinion, the following conditions have to be satisfied:
1) The Bid Price has to exceed the last traded price (In excess of 12.50)
2) The Bid Price has to exceed the NAV/share (after revaluation of ALL assets especially the real estate)
3) The Bid Price has to take into account a reasonable Price/Earnings Ratio [based on several factors including growth potential, stable (excludes one-off) earnings, long-term debt yields]
Segman has been a great manager & grown KK & its profits for years. He has the balls to fight corrupt managers & officials in MoE, KPC, KPRL, etc unlike most other OMCs. Compare to Total!
'Local' management has decimated s/holders in Kenya Airways. The Board of Directors (exclude goK & KLM) have less than 25,000 shares!!!
1) The shares trade 67% below NAV/Share.
2) The profitability varies wildly as they dabble in derivatives/hedges they know nothing about. Emirates does not mess around with hedging. They run the business, not the balance sheet!
3) The Directors & Management own very few shares in KQ but earn HUGE salaries & perks (free flights for family members) which are paid no matter what happens to profits or share price (Segman has 100mn+ options so share price is critical to him)
Please, please offer s/holders MORE than Puma. This will force them to increase the bid if they want to buy KK. If you (& your friends, chamas, SACCOs) 'win' then KK remains 'Kenyan' but minorities get paid a better price! Winners all around!
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett