Atalaku wrote:Hello guys. Anybody knows where there is live band playing a mix of African music. I have a group of people I wanna take there.
1) Simmers restaurant [CBD] very nice lingala and Rhumba music - courtesy of Rhumba Japan.
2) Kuche Kuche [Nyayo Stadium] - Ohangla at it's best. Just love ohangla!
3) The club near Kenya Cinema with Brazilian colours - I forget it's name. I guess they
have a live band too.
4) Zanze Bar - It's long since I have been there but they had one hell of a live band - Ochestra Limpopo if I'm not wrong. The very best of Lingala, rhumba and luo music. There is one fellow who belts out pepe kalle song's till you think pepe kalle is in the house!
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