VituVingiSana wrote:Minority Shareholders to be paid the same price as the key s/holders per the latest Press Release from KK.
Check the website.
Bittersweet times for current (minority) KK shareholders.
I mean sure, we may make some healthy capital gains in the (hopefully) not too distant future...
but will definitely miss out on all future gains. All this talk of "a journey to greater growth, development and prosperity" is quite hollow if you're asking shareolders to leave before the company gets there... all the while explaining to them exactly what they'll be missing out on.
Add to that the suspension of trading on the share, precluding any possible price rally...
Things may be good, but methinks they could (should) be better.
Bittersweet times indeed.
"All intelligent investing is value investing -- acquiring more than you are paying for. You must value the business in order to value the stock." - Charlie Munger.