When Kibaki announced 20m of oil paydirt in March, he must have been sure it was economically viable. That was at 1000m depth of the well rig. Now, at 1500m, they have found 100m paydirt. They are yet to hit 2700m which will be the final depth. So far, this is East Africa's biggest paydirt.
Question: Is the oil aquifer slanting towards Somali, North Africa, Ethiopia, or is it actually within our country as the Nile would bare us out in terms of Sial and Sima plus the rift valley or the Ethiapian highlands and Lake Victoria would bear us out.
Wisdom to detect when share prices hit rock bottom.
When interest on bonds keep going up, you know the bear run is on high street. When interest on bonds start leveling, the bear has met the bull and they have hit rock bottom. When the interest rates on bonds start coming down, the bull has overpowered the bear and you better be riding the bull.