We often read very good and promising projects in our dailies before we come across the 'BUT' word. And the excitement disappears.
Why do we always put the cart before the horse?
The only thing I could think of after reading the above was power,infrastructure,connectivity,security and cost. And Olweny stamped it!
Quote:Although Prof Olweny noted that the government will support efforts by the KIE to fully automate schools in Kenya the challenge of infrastructure remains a real one.
Only a few schools dotted especially in the urban areas have access to computers and electricity to power them, making the viability of the project untenable.
I tire.
I don't know but I think kenyans have a tendency of first seeing the end, without thinking what it will take to get there.
It's after we have rushed to make the big announcement that we realise the ground work required to achieve the vision is not as easy.
I am however optimistic.But do the groundwork before the big announcements for christ's sake because we shall always say u failed to deliver and hold u accountable.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.