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The Music industry exposed.
#101 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 11:55:31 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/23/2009
Posts: 2,375
essyk wrote:
since we are getting paranoid wacha niharibu kabisa

There are two snakes at the entrance to the Kenyan House of Parliament, A huge Masonic star at the entrance to the High Court, frogs and tortoise signs in the High Court.


What happened to the commission of devil Inquiry which Moi authorised, led by one Rev David Githii of PCEA??

Did the goverment arrest the devil??

What about this? Kwanza its a red snake.The devil him self!!!
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
Mtu Biz
#102 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 12:11:15 PM
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Joined: 1/16/2007
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The music industry exposed?

What a thread! What side shows!

If i may suggest a more appropriate topic... i would say..


Your knowledge or ingnorance of any insignia, cartoon, music, talisman etc of the devil is of little consequence.
These are merely symptoms, outward evidence of the disease that is SIN.

Forget the spec in your neighbours eye and briefly consider the forest in your own eye.

Consider this

Galatians 5:19-21

New International Version (NIV)

19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Tell me then.

Of what value is it if you possess all knowledge of all the workings of the devil and yet harbour jelousy? hatred? and envy?

Sola Scriptura

#103 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 12:11:51 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
bkismat wrote:
essyk wrote:
since we are getting paranoid wacha niharibu kabisa

There are two snakes at the entrance to the Kenyan House of Parliament, A huge Masonic star at the entrance to the High Court, frogs and tortoise signs in the High Court.


What happened to the commission of devil Inquiry which Moi authorised, led by one Rev David Githii of PCEA??

Did the goverment arrest the devil??

What about this? Kwanza its a red snake.The devil him self!!!

Kwanza you haven't seen the red lipstick these women wear....manufactured by the devil himself under the sea. Sisi kwisha kabisa.

Quick, lets go buy some anointing oil.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#104 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 12:11:54 PM
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Sasa hii post imefika 101, that must surely be devilish!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#105 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 12:15:37 PM
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Joined: 7/16/2011
Posts: 59


Your historical lessons given here are wrong:

galileo did not argue the earth was flat but rather the Earth revolved around the Sun.This was opposite to what many held true.Including the church which was a patron to science.

He was told not to publish his findings as scientific truths before verification but he defied and went ahead.The rest is history.


the commission of devil worship was carried out by Arch Bishop Nichodemus Kirima.Rev.David Gathii wrote a book on the prevalence of devilworship in Kenya.
#106 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 12:23:29 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 11/15/2011
Posts: 4,518
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Truth is, I don't care where the devil sits.
He doesn't occupy symbols/signs.He seeks hearts,he needs a vaccum to operate so these signs shouldnt stress much.
Look here,the devil occupies peoples hearts right inside churches bearing huge crosses.
That should tell u that we are paying attention to irrelevant things.
Hes not found in those symbols! but in hearts.

@ scout.So after writing a book and inquiry done,what hpnd?
if u look around ur house am def sure u would find somthing u purchased in the supermarket bearing a weird sign.
We will see what we want to see, if we choose to see.
I am not a demon hunter anyway.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#107 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 12:34:47 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
@essyk i count you among the ignorant.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#108 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 12:36:52 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 3/1/2011
Posts: 48
scout_boy wrote:


Your historical lessons given here are wrong:

galileo did not argue the earth was flat but rather the Earth revolved around the Sun.This was opposite to what many held true.Including the church which was a patron to science.

He was told not to publish his findings as scientific truths before verification but he defied and went ahead.The rest is history.


the commission of devil worship was carried out by Arch Bishop Nichodemus Kirima.Rev.David Gathii wrote a book on the prevalence of devilworship in Kenya.

Now scout boy am very happy you pointed that out.Just like you nit picked my history lesson which had just one factual error you should do the same with the myths about the Illuminati and secret societies.
“You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”

― Anne Lamott
#109 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 12:43:55 PM
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Joined: 7/5/2010
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Who remembers the infamous 'china tea' of late nineties? GÎKUNÛ ...so the old village folks used to call it. Happened around the talk of devil worship was at fever pitch
It was a drink from the devil himself, was prepared with sweetened strungi and let to ferment for a few days ...endowed with healing (and other) 'powers'
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Then people started saying that those who had drank it will soon die,...folks ran around worried and depressed for weeks to come Sad Sad
Mtu Biz
#110 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 1:08:50 PM
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Joined: 1/16/2007
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Snazzy wrote:

It is very surprising that all evangelical preachers who like to ignore history by the way like to quote "church is where 2 0r 3 are gathered".Ignoring the fact that in its earliest years Christianity was a subversive sect,like Mungiki is today because it went against what the rest of the population in which it started believed in.

A subversive sect? In its earliest years?

smile At least your confidence is impressive

Snazzy wrote:

As to what side i am on,that should not be your problem,it is mine.Christians annoy me sometimes,they think everyone needs to be evangelized,i personally do not.I have read the Bible cover to cover and understood it.Read very many other religious books,the history behind every religion known to man i can lay my hands on and believe you me,i do not need to be convinced which is the right side.

Brick wall I have not just read that!

Snazzy wrote:

Take Jesus for example when he said "you do not put new wine into old wine skins".He knew they would burst but if he was alive today he would probably say do not let an unopened bottle of wine stay out for too long because it begins to taste bitter,get a new bottle if you want to enjoy a glass of good wine.It would make more sense that way as we no longer use wine skins to pack wine into.See the difference...context

Do you not know that wine gets better with age?


Snazzy wrote:

Remember as i said Judaism from where Christianity was birthed has no concept of the devil/satan whatever you may call him. Christianity did not just spring up from nowhere it has evolved over the centuries ,you need to know where you came from before you know where you are going.

Jesus chose good over evil and that i think is the core message of Christianity which many have forgotten and chosen to engage in shadow boxing.

This from an individual who claims to have read the bible cover to cover to cover AND UNDERSTOOD IT?

I rest my case.
Sola Scriptura

#111 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 1:23:21 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/20/2007
Posts: 4,432
snazzy the pepos in your head are just too much.

what do you mean read? you are seriously expecting people to read. Let the pastor do it. He's been anointed so he can read for all.

When people question, they are called devil worshipper. You my friend are the biggest devil worshipper on wazua....
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#112 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 1:26:09 PM
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Joined: 4/1/2008
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Location: Nairobi
@Mtu Biz Laughing out loudly Hilarious! Was about to give my two cents worth, but you clearly beat me to it!

@Snazzy Si you stop while you're ahead? Seriously to your knowledge, add a little wisdom and understanding!

Can't stop laughing!
Laughing out loudly
Généralement, les gens qui savant peu parlent becoup, et les gens qui savant beaucoup parlent peu.
- Rousseau.
#113 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 1:26:59 PM
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Mtu Biz wrote:
Snazzy wrote:

It is very surprising that all evangelical preachers who like to ignore history by the way like to quote "church is where 2 0r 3 are gathered".Ignoring the fact that in its earliest years Christianity was a subversive sect,like Mungiki is today because it went against what the rest of the population in which it started believed in.

A subversive sect? In its earliest years?

smile At least your confidence is impressive

Snazzy wrote:

As to what side i am on,that should not be your problem,it is mine.Christians annoy me sometimes,they think everyone needs to be evangelized,i personally do not.I have read the Bible cover to cover and understood it.Read very many other religious books,the history behind every religion known to man i can lay my hands on and believe you me,i do not need to be convinced which is the right side.

Brick wall I have not just read that!

Snazzy wrote:

Take Jesus for example when he said "you do not put new wine into old wine skins".He knew they would burst but if he was alive today he would probably say do not let an unopened bottle of wine stay out for too long because it begins to taste bitter,get a new bottle if you want to enjoy a glass of good wine.It would make more sense that way as we no longer use wine skins to pack wine into.See the difference...context

Do you not know that wine gets better with age?


Snazzy wrote:

Remember as i said Judaism from where Christianity was birthed has no concept of the devil/satan whatever you may call him. Christianity did not just spring up from nowhere it has evolved over the centuries ,you need to know where you came from before you know where you are going.

Jesus chose good over evil and that i think is the core message of Christianity which many have forgotten and chosen to engage in shadow boxing.

This from an individual who claims to have read the bible cover to cover to cover AND UNDERSTOOD IT?

I rest my case.

oh my God. You really didnt have to embarace him in public. Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

thats why i say its always good to first fill up the brain before empting the mouth.
#114 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 1:30:39 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 7/16/2011
Posts: 59

The commission's work came to a conclusion that the vice was even enshrined in institutions like schools.But like similar commissions their reports never made to public

Rev.David Gathii's book forms an authoritative text in which clerics here in Kenya use to acquint themselves with the symbolism

Symbolism in the spiritual realm actually matters.By showing a certain symbol one is sending a certain signal to these forces.

Take baptism and holy communion.These are symbols which send a certain meaning to the spiritual world.
symbols tokens are usually exchanged during establishing of covenants with the spiritual worlds.

It might not be practical to destroy all symbols.However stuff like pentagrams,tarot cards ,ouija boards,tiki gods ,statues are easy to identify and eliminate.
#115 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 1:51:26 PM
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Posts: 48
alma wrote:
snazzy the pepos in your head are just too much.

what do you mean read? you are seriously expecting people to read. Let the pastor do it. He's been anointed so he can read for all.

When people question, they are called devil worshipper. You my friend are the biggest devil worshipper on wazua....

@Alma ,admin had better quash this thread before i start hypnotizing and recruiting people.

Come to think of it,my name might have a sinister connotation too,it starts with an S Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

I am a woman who has chosen to get my beliefs from what i consider to be true not a person regurgitating the American Christian right propaganda.Very happy to be called a heretic for my beliefs,people have been labelled heretics for holding minority views that differ from what everyone else thinks to be true.So either sue me,pray for me or read.

Why is it these revelations are only given to a select few of these preachers which Kenyans then repeat from the pulpits?

What happens if when all cross that river we find heaven has good people from other faiths hindus,atheists,muslims etc ,will Christians say God should send them back to hell? are there separate heavens for different groups of people?

Let the debate continue , at least we arent discussing politics.
“You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”

― Anne Lamott
#116 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 2:19:30 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 7/16/2011
Posts: 59

Who remembers the infamous 'china tea' of late nineties? GÎKUNÛ ...so the old village folks used to call it. Happened around the talk of devil worship was at fever pitch
It was a drink from the devil himself, was prepared with sweetened strungi and let to ferment for a few days ...endowed with healing (and other) 'powers'
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Then people started saying that those who had drank it will soon die,...folks ran around worried and depressed for weeks to come Sad Sad

Boss,sijui hiyo ni gani.Maybe they mean't tea leaf or palm reading



Quite a substantial knowledge we have as human has not been achieved by the use of the scientific process.This knowledge is revelational knowledge.

The person who came up with the neem(mwarubaini)drugs did not go through extensive hours in a laboratory somewhere before conducting testing on a human population.

Most likely ,he heard a "voice" telling him to go pluck its leaves and boil them.

I think its the same thing with this music.The lyrics often attributed to these artists or songwriters originate from this "inner voice".The link that have found exist works this way.

I remember reading The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching.Terence Mckenna.

Miraa/veve (khat) makes the chewer incredibly gifted in story telling.
I don't know whether it was Mwalimu Kingangi who said a miraa chewer can tell you a story of how to convert a shilling into a million bob.

Same case ,with these artists.They spend hours and hours on end consuming drugs, writing and recording while being intoxicated.
These drugs interfere with the subconscious allowing the spirit world to take over.


Illuminati consipiracies..
I don't whether you were around when the L.A race riots occurred.Eazy -E seemed to side with the cops and even met President Bush where He contributed 10k USD for his reelection.
That is where ungejua hapa kuna mambo.
#117 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 2:48:32 PM
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Joined: 3/26/2012
Posts: 1,182
scout_boy wrote:

The commission's work came to a conclusion that the vice was even enshrined in institutions like schools.But like similar commissions their reports never made to public

Rev.David Gathii's book forms an authoritative text in which clerics here in Kenya use to acquint themselves with the symbolism

Symbolism in the spiritual realm actually matters.By showing a certain symbol one is sending a certain signal to these forces.

Take baptism and holy communion.These are symbols which send a certain meaning to the spiritual world.
symbols tokens are usually exchanged during establishing of covenants with the spiritual worlds.

It might not be practical to destroy all symbols.However stuff like pentagrams,tarot cards ,ouija boards,tiki gods ,statues are easy to identify and eliminate.

I believe there has to be KNOWLEDGE for the said "spirit" to take hold. You can only have faith in what you know and profess.

What is worrying most here, going by the posts is the least of their worries,rather, should be the least.

A Christian is a person who lives according to the message from God, contained in the Bible.
Do you desire what is not yours? What's your take on sex,envy/jealousy? Beer? Money/wealth? Temper/Anger? etc etc.

In short, worry about the things you do to yourself and unto others before worrying of signs.
What matters is your heart, your soul.God's temple.
Not signs.
#118 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 7:06:18 PM
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117 posts and counting...seriously what is being discussed?
people choices like God didn't intend for men to have a free will
to decide what to do?

#119 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 7:13:55 PM
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jamplu wrote:
117 posts and counting...seriously what is being discussed?
people choices like God didn't intend for men to have a free will
to decide what to do?

WOW ! watch your mouth or is it hand . do you belong to the Crowley followers ? . Yeah i agree God gave us a free will but that doesn't mean we misuse it !
He gave us the ability to make choices but those choices have to be beneficial and helpful to the community around us and most importantly to us.
#120 Posted : Monday, April 30, 2012 7:18:54 PM
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mkeiyd wrote:
scout_boy wrote:

The commission's work came to a conclusion that the vice was even enshrined in institutions like schools.But like similar commissions their reports never made to public

Rev.David Gathii's book forms an authoritative text in which clerics here in Kenya use to acquint themselves with the symbolism

Symbolism in the spiritual realm actually matters.By showing a certain symbol one is sending a certain signal to these forces.

Take baptism and holy communion.These are symbols which send a certain meaning to the spiritual world.
symbols tokens are usually exchanged during establishing of covenants with the spiritual worlds.

It might not be practical to destroy all symbols.However stuff like pentagrams,tarot cards ,ouija boards,tiki gods ,statues are easy to identify and eliminate.

I believe there has to be KNOWLEDGE for the said "spirit" to take hold. You can only have faith in what you know and profess.

What is worrying most here, going by the posts is the least of their worries,rather, should be the least.

A Christian is a person who lives according to the message from God, contained in the Bible.
Do you desire what is not yours? What's your take on sex,envy/jealousy? Beer? Money/wealth? Temper/Anger? etc etc.

In short, worry about the things you do to yourself and unto others before worrying of signs.
What matters is your heart, your soul.God's temple.
Not signs.

you see whats making this discussion so difficult to follow is that most people donot know anything about devil worship and that kind of stuff. amnt saying you be one but what really does on in demonic rituals. signs are a very important aspect of occult/devil rituals.
even all throughout the bible God has shown himself using symbols and signs .
So knowing whats an evil sign and what is a Godly sign will just help you evade the devils traps
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