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The Music industry exposed.
#41 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 1:58:58 PM
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@Laughing out loudly when it comes to magic I would advice you acquaint yourself with historical alchemy and you will find out that so called magicians are nothing but very good actors and mediocre chemists.
P.S I am not an atheist
'One headache for famous medieval holy people was that someone might murder you to acquire your body parts for the relics trade'
#42 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 2:26:31 PM
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vky wrote:
@yesuwangu your argument is too remote to be considered as proof of existence of a creator and I would liken it to one who has been awed by the marvels of the universe and not knowing how such came to be concludes that there must be one great entity behind all this marvel which is pure conjecture

Awe and marvels of the universe ought to lead one to examine it closely, weigh all the facts and make a rational judgment on the basis of the facts. That is what scientists do, albeit just on the surface as I am doing. Maybe you can disprove those things with opposite evidence.

I will ask myself a question that you would have been thrilled to ask me to pin me down with. Creationists believe all animals were created and if they were created they were created vegan vegetarian according to Genesis1;30. Right?

Therefore rational minds would ask, what about the carnivore? For example, the lion, his digestive tract and his teeth are obviously designed to rip flesh apart and eat meat, right? How could it be claimed they ate vegetables and vegetation? Thats ridiculous! Only mad people like YW can claim such a thing!

So how can a creationist wriggle out of this one?

The presence of the kali canine tooth or carnivorous digestive tract in a carnivore is not proof of evolution (or no creation) to be a carnivore. Other animals have both the teeth and digestive tracts but are not carnivores.

A bear has a similar teeth and it eats salmon, which is flesh, during the salmon run. But what does the bear eat for the rest of the year? Berries and succulent grass!

The panda bear has all the features of of a carnivore; the teeth, the digestive system etc and to crown it, is even classified as a carnivore. But make a wild guess what its diet is. Why should it evolve to eat bamboo with such ferocious canines with a fitting digestive tract?

Why the discrepancy? Who can answer this anomaly? Which logical non-creationism explanation can be made for this circumstance?

Well someone once said ´cursed be the ground´ among other things. Diets for whatever lived off the ground then changed. It changed for the lion... the lion now becomes the evidence.

So I have proof that a ´carnivore´ with the powerful canine and digestive tract can chew vegetation and digest it and live happily ever after just as it says in Genesis 1:30.

I have given just two animals that led me to an intellectually honest conclusion of an intelligent design, not chance.

One entity so far has claimed to be creator. Evolution (no creation) is the one with innumerable conjectures.
#43 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 2:38:38 PM
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Some people want proof that demonic symbols are used in music videos yet they dnu know how demonic symbols look like ?
Is there really use to arguing with such kind of people . Like alma
#44 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 3:17:38 PM
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Do we have a historian (a religious historian specifically - or enthusiast) in the house? Stand up and be counted!!!
Now, paganism is not the same as satanism. Wikipedia says it translates to "country dweller" and "extended to contemporary religions".
I will take broad liberties here and approximate the old Norse, Roman and Greek religions to paganism.

Which brings me to the icon of the trident. The trident was the weapon of Poseidon and Shiva. Hindus believe in some form of devil, right?
In christian iconology, the trident is satan's weapon.
What would you make of the scenario where a trident flashes briefly in a music video? as a christian? as a hindu? as a pagan? Is it good or evil?
Does the trident make Shiva the devil in a Christian's eyes? What does this tell you of symbolism?
#45 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 3:19:36 PM
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@QW25091985 not to deviate much from the topic but i have to ask this:
honestly are all those people in those TV churches really possessed wale huanguka cauz all i hear is Laana na pepo in their preaching. If am poor am i cursed or demon possesed because it could be my own stupidity and wrong choices that's making me poor.
Are those who wake me up in the morning with loud speakers talking in languages i don't comprehend know why we have Mathew 6:6 and also
1 Corinthians 14:27 why have we complicated God and our Interaction with our creator and have made so many to be so afraid of Him and not to have a relationship with him and our Father(ABBA)
I was taught simple things regarding religion and my Creator
1. I can never be perfect like my creator i'll never be so i should seek his mercy and guidance and i will never enter heaven as perfect as he is.
2. The truth and my guide to everything in my life is in the Bible from creating wealth to how i should live with my fellow man- anything else doesn't matter

#46 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 3:30:27 PM
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YesuWangu wrote:
Tokyo wrote:

trust me the musicians love ignorant people like you to spread their devilish agenda !

Well, the more religious is the society, the more sinful and wicked they are. Let's. E focused avoiding ignorance to realities

Tokyo, the disconnect between increase in religion and increase in wickedness is incomprehensible. Except if the religion is one and the same with the wickedness. So increase in one mutually raises the other. Something I have been yapping about for some time now for whoever cares to listen.

But to deviate from the thread a little and to answer Vky, God can be proved alright.

It just takes a curious and analytical mind. (Thats why I find myself more at loggerheads with the typical christian who advocates for emotions, you know, ´powerful preaching´, experiential religion and all that than with atheists or evolutionists etc).

In Job 12:7 God challenges us to ask the beasts, fowls of the air, the earth and fishes of the sea. Ati they will tell us they were created by Him.

So lets ask one of them, the fish, e.g. Mr. shark who resides in the sea. ´Mr. Shark, you are a vertebrate, so how do you get rid of salt and achieve osmoregulation?´

Well, marine animals have kidneys whose glomerulus and loop of henle is so adapted not to loose water and achieve a hyperosmotic urine.

But why would a marine animal have those 2 things to begin with?

That does not match evolution (or no creation). They should have no glomerulus at all (however cleverly adapted) if they evolved from a single cell in that saline environment! Why would they evolve with something they obviously dont need?

Unless of course they were not originally in that environment. But evolution (or no creation) states everything evolved from the sea! So that puts us at a quandary here, unless evolution (or no creation) is not true.

That would mean creation is true. The glomerulus in the vertebrate marine fish proves it. If creation is true, only one entity has claimed to be ´creator´.

Back to entertainment. [/quote]
Just before we go back to entertainment, your argument disproves evolution more than anything else.

Nonetheless, you have a brilliant mind!
#47 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 3:33:52 PM
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YesuWangu wrote:
vky wrote:
@yesuwangu your argument is too remote to be considered as proof of existence of a creator and I would liken it to one who has been awed by the marvels of the universe and not knowing how such came to be concludes that there must be one great entity behind all this marvel which is pure conjecture

Awe and marvels of the universe ought to lead one to examine it closely, weigh all the facts and make a rational judgment on the basis of the facts. That is what scientists do, albeit just on the surface as I am doing. Maybe you can disprove those things with opposite evidence.

I will ask myself a question that you would have been thrilled to ask me to pin me down with. Creationists believe all animals were created and if they were created they were created vegan vegetarian according to Genesis1;30. Right?

Therefore rational minds would ask, what about the carnivore? For example, the lion, his digestive tract and his teeth are obviously designed to rip flesh apart and eat meat, right? How could it be claimed they ate vegetables and vegetation? Thats ridiculous! Only mad people like YW can claim such a thing!

So how can a creationist wriggle out of this one?

The presence of the kali canine tooth or carnivorous digestive tract in a carnivore is not proof of evolution (or no creation) to be a carnivore. Other animals have both the teeth and digestive tracts but are not carnivores.

A bear has a similar teeth and it eats salmon, which is flesh, during the salmon run. But what does the bear eat for the rest of the year? Berries and succulent grass!

The panda bear has all the features of of a carnivore; the teeth, the digestive system etc and to crown it, is even classified as a carnivore. But make a wild guess what its diet is. Why should it evolve to eat bamboo with such ferocious canines with a fitting digestive tract?

Why the discrepancy? Who can answer this anomaly? Which logical non-creationism explanation can be made for this circumstance?

Well someone once said ´cursed be the ground´ among other things. Diets for whatever lived off the ground then changed. It changed for the lion... the lion now becomes the evidence.

So I have proof that a ´carnivore´ with the powerful canine and digestive tract can chew vegetation and digest it and live happily ever after just as it says in Genesis 1:30.

I have given just two animals that led me to an intellectually honest conclusion of an intelligent design, not chance.

One entity so far has claimed to be creator. Evolution (no creation) is the one with innumerable conjectures.

We could also argue that the author(s) of the book of Genesis observed these traits in the two animals and were therefore comfortable with what they wrote in Genesis 1:30 smile
#48 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 3:36:02 PM
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Seems these musicians are competing some of our church ministers and the only way to outmanouvre them is to make theirs satanic!!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#49 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 4:55:34 PM
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I think that vigilantcitizen site is a recruiting avenue into the occult. be careful as you read it u don't get ' possessed ' like some here
I may be wrong..but then I could be right
hindi ni riu
#50 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 7:17:38 PM
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Joined: 5/2/2010
Posts: 305
Hmmmm...interesting. Not denying that some of those things happens, subliminal messages and stuff like that, but if you read too much into something, you'll find what you are looking for. Joanne Mutuku Nzioka must be a devil worshiper...because all her names have 6 letters forming 666, yada yada yada

“Once the last tree is cut and the last river poisoned,you will find you cannot eat your money" Traditional saying.
#51 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 7:25:45 PM
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hindi ni riu wrote:
Joanne Mutuku Nzioka must be a devil worshiper...because all her names have 6 letters forming 666, yada yada yada
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#52 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 7:38:59 PM
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jamplu wrote:
@QW25091985 not to deviate much from the topic but i have to ask this:
honestly are all those people in those TV churches really possessed wale huanguka cauz all i hear is Laana na pepo in their preaching. If am poor am i cursed or demon possesed because it could be my own stupidity and wrong choices that's making me poor.
Are those who wake me up in the morning with loud speakers talking in languages i don't comprehend know why we have Mathew 6:6 and also
1 Corinthians 14:27 why have we complicated God and our Interaction with our creator and have made so many to be so afraid of Him and not to have a relationship with him and our Father(ABBA)
I was taught simple things regarding religion and my Creator
1. I can never be perfect like my creator i'll never be so i should seek his mercy and guidance and i will never enter heaven as perfect as he is.
2. The truth and my guide to everything in my life is in the Bible from creating wealth to how i should live with my fellow man- anything else doesn't matter

thanks jamplu for asking that, it always puzzles me why it never happens in my church, and that gibberish people shout? why doesnt it happen to them on monday at work?......
#53 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 7:43:37 PM
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Lets not digress into religion vs atheism. I am not interested in that debate. The illuminati and secret societies are very real and you would be stupid to write them off, coz thats their intention is to make you as ignorant as possible so you can be meek and follow instructions without even thinking why you are doing stuff. For exapmle, I am Catholic and I was walking into church when I saw a stand outside the main entrance, I read their sign and it said Brothers of the Masonic chapter bla bla bla. Now most people will just assume that its just another church group and would have no reason to be suspicious. I like to read alot and from research I knew that this was a Freemasonry group, I asked them a couple of questions and they just gave vague answers which is typical of them! If you dont see anything wrong with having Freemasons openly recruiting at a church, then I dont know what to tell you. These people have infiltrated every sphere of our lives. By the way whoever is saying ati now we cant even watch cartoons, do your research, cartoons are geared to conquer young minds when they are most impressionable. Do you for example know thats there are 3 6's in Disneys logo? These things are in plain sight but you have to be keen to notice them. It seems like most people have not bothered to watch the clip, and are just writing off this stuff, which is exactly what they want you to do.
In the last Grammy's, Nicki Minaj came on stage possesed and an exorcism was performed on her live in front of millions. Prior to that she arrived in all red and accompanied by an actor playing the Pope. You think all that was coincidence? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIlAbTQ9hhU
Major shows like the Grammy's is where the rituals are performed in plain sight and these musicians pay homage to their master. By the way I dont think the musicians are necessarily a part of the Illuminati, they are just their puppets and are paid huge sums to follow their orders. Just watch the clip before you dismiss it.
#54 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 7:58:24 PM
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The Nicki Minaj clip, they've added a bunch of irrelevant stuff. But if you check out her performance, she levitates, meaning she has been possessed and is now being controlled by another entity, the devil. Notice how all of them have alter egos? Beyonce's is Sasha Fierce, Nicki Minaj is Roman Zolanski, Gaga is Mother monster ( or some ish like that), JayZ is Hova ( as in Jehova). I dont know about you guys, but I turned off the radio and tv, especially tv.
#55 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 9:32:13 PM
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@Nabwire, people would rather stay ignorant and happy. Ignorance is bliss. Satanic activities are getting more and more subtle with time. They are becoming the in thing for the middle and upper classes in Kenya. Like observing Halloween. People here are dismissing the spread of Satanism and the occult through the media and in innocent entertainment like cartoons need to watch cartoons these days and note the difference between what we used to watch some time back and what kids watch now. They dont watch Flintstones, Tom and Jerry or Donald Duck but some shows with a lot of supernatural stuff.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#56 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 9:47:46 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
@Nabwire, people would rather stay ignorant and happy. Ignorance is bliss. Satanic activities are getting more and more subtle with time. They are becoming the in thing for the middle and upper classes in Kenya. Like observing Halloween. People here are dismissing the spread of Satanism and the occult through the media and in innocent entertainment like cartoons need to watch cartoons these days and note the difference between what we used to watch some time back and what kids watch now. They dont watch Flintstones, Tom and Jerry or Donald Duck but some shows with a lot of supernatural stuff.

@Lolest there is occultism there are people who practice things which can not be explained but i don't think cartoons are really into satanism yes the content is changing into more adult stuff and talk but super hero like stuff i don't think that is really satanic.

#57 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 9:56:06 PM
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the devil operates very cunningly, why are you guys not commenting on reggea singers who openly "pass the cuchampagne"?? but the devil has even churches as his premises, 90% of all churches are pure sham!!
#58 Posted : Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:50:54 AM
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The great thing is the devil has no power if you deny him relevance.
#59 Posted : Saturday, April 28, 2012 9:43:48 AM
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for those who are in doubt about the occult, just observe some of your collegues closely: an odd looking cheap ring or bangle not befitting ones status, almost obliterated with expensive jewelry. comming very early to work, locking themselves into the office alone for some time. Wall hangings in the office which do not reflect the company's core activities. General hatred of christians, especially the 'born again' type. And what is that miniture kiondo doing in your car hanging from the rea view mirror, or do you want to convince us that you are a great enthusiast for african art? why do you avoid greatings from specific staff members early in the morning? Why do you find it hard to discipline some staff members regardless of their glaring misconduct?
#60 Posted : Saturday, April 28, 2012 10:04:05 AM
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@murenj you have basically described me to the dot.

1. have cheap rings
2. i come to work at 5am
3. i lock myself in the office....im the boss
4. wall hangings in my office are my art collection
5. I don't really hate born agains. Just can't stand them
6. the kiondo in my car was a present from my cucu
7. specific staff members may have done a lousy job
8. as for firing, heck i met their families so i have to think hard about firing them.

My goodness, I'm now an avowed "devil worshipper".
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
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