Tokyo wrote:
trust me the musicians love ignorant people like you to spread their devilish agenda !
Well, the more religious is the society, the more sinful and wicked they are. Let's. E focused avoiding ignorance to realities
Tokyo, the disconnect between increase in religion and increase in wickedness is incomprehensible. Except if the religion is one and the same with the wickedness. So increase in one mutually raises the other. Something I have been yapping about for some time now for whoever cares to listen.
But to deviate from the thread a little and to answer Vky, God can be proved alright.
It just takes a curious and analytical mind. (Thats why I find myself more at loggerheads with the typical christian who advocates for emotions, you know, ´powerful preaching´, experiential religion and all that than with atheists or evolutionists etc).
In Job 12:7 God challenges us to ask the beasts, fowls of the air, the earth and fishes of the sea. Ati they will tell us they were created by Him.
So lets ask one of them, the fish, e.g. Mr. shark who resides in the sea. ´Mr. Shark, you are a vertebrate, so how do you get rid of salt and achieve osmoregulation?´
Well, marine animals have kidneys whose glomerulus and loop of henle is so adapted not to loose water and achieve a hyperosmotic urine.
But why would a marine animal have those 2 things to begin with?
That does not match evolution (or no creation). They should have no glomerulus at all (however cleverly adapted) if they evolved from a single cell in that saline environment! Why would they evolve with something they obviously dont need?
Unless of course they were not originally in that environment. But evolution (or no creation) states everything evolved from the sea! So that puts us at a quandary here, unless evolution (or no creation) is not true.
That would mean creation is true. The glomerulus in the vertebrate marine fish proves it. If creation is true, only one entity has claimed to be ´creator´.
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