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The Music industry exposed.
#21 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 11:21:29 AM
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Occult and satanic symbolism have pervaded the entire entertaiment industry including films eg. Harry potter, cartoons, soap operas. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it has even touched the gospel music industry. And the most effective tool in spreading this 'gospel' is the television
#22 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 11:47:53 AM
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lol. now we can't even watch cartoons...so what are we supposed to do? Oh I forgot, remove more tithe to the pastor to chase away the demons on TV. ha!

I remember a time when being black meant you were a child of satan....lol I can imagine some of you entering some of those churches even now. They still exist. They will lynch you.

So unless, and this is for the once who believe everything they hear. Unless you have gone to a session with the devil, you know nothing. All you know is what you hear. What you hear depends on who you associate with.

This unfortunately means that there some of us who believe Youtube is real, wikipedia is real and all the information they read online came with Moses from the Mountain.

It may not be true, it may be true. In the meantime I will go have a bit of


Get myself a white cap and hope the EABL logo is not straight from the devil himself.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#23 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 11:58:36 AM
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You guys are reading too much into nothing. Under my Umbrella song was not first done by Rihanna. There are about seven other versions done in different genres before Rihanna's version. It is only Rihanna's version that made it to the charts. The rest were flops.
#24 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:02:24 PM
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lets not confuse or let ourselves be confused . we arenot aganist or rather amnt against entertainment . i love entertainment . but inclusion of devolish symbols that all people know are demonic is just not debatable for me .
devil worshiper by the way donot do around shouting they worship the devil no way that will provoke the wrath f the people !
they do it secretly !
Remember what Jesus said . the devil willnot come in a wolfs clothing but a sheep's clothing .
" The deceiver will come dressed in sheep's clothing " Matt. 7:15

amnt a spiritual guy but i have my line on the sand as far as somethings are concerned
#25 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:07:04 PM
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its not wise to equate yourself to ALL people. I have no idea what a devilish symbol looks like. As I have never been to a "devilish" meeting.

But I have surely seen a wolf demanding MPesa from sick people on NTV. That I can tell you is a deceiver.

ati devilish symbols. wewe ulionana na shetani wapi utueleze ana vaa nguo aina gani?
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#26 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:08:32 PM
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QW25091985 wrote:
lets not confuse or let ourselves be confused . we arenot aganist or rather amnt against entertainment . i love entertainment . but inclusion of devolish symbols that all people know are demonic is just not debatable for me .
devil worshiper by the way donot do around shouting they worship the devil no way that will provoke the wrath f the people !
they do it secretly !
Remember what Jesus said . the devil willnot come in a wolfs clothing but a sheep's clothing .
" The deceiver will come dressed in sheep's clothing " Matt. 7:15

amnt a spiritual guy but i have my line on the sand as far as somethings are concerned

@qw, all i'm trying to do is to show you that this problem is not just in the music industry. If one is to remain vigilant, remember that even a simple cartoon could be designed to achieve the same effect. I've just come from watching a cartoon where children are being taught about magic and what to chant to make a spell work. It's much more widespread than you think
#27 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:15:18 PM
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Joined: 12/13/2006
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alma wrote:
lol. now we can't even watch cartoons...so what are we supposed to do? Oh I forgot, remove more tithe to the pastor to chase away the demons on TV. ha!

I remember a time when being black meant you were a child of satan....lol I can imagine some of you entering some of those churches even now. They still exist. They will lynch you.

So unless, and this is for the once who believe everything they hear. Unless you have gone to a session with the devil, you know nothing. All you know is what you hear. What you hear depends on who you associate with.

This unfortunately means that there some of us who believe Youtube is real, wikipedia is real and all the information they read online came with Moses from the Mountain.

It may not be true, it may be true. In the meantime I will go have a bit of


Get myself a white cap and hope the EABL logo is not straight from the devil himself

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#28 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:20:23 PM
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alma wrote:
its not wise to equate yourself to ALL people. I have no idea what a devilish symbol looks like. As I have never been to a "devilish" meeting.

But I have surely seen a wolf demanding MPesa from sick people on NTV. That I can tell you is a deceiver.

ati devilish symbols. wewe ulionana na shetani wapi utueleze ana vaa nguo aina gani?

you arguments are totally embarrassing youself and you are making a fool of yourself here ! real talk . if you dont want to make constructive arguments then go watch cartoon network and let us continue with our arguments !
#29 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:29:22 PM
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Joined: 7/20/2007
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QW jibu swali.

Have you ever been to a "devilish" meeting?
Can you name one cartoon that you saw the devil in?
Can you please tell us what songs the devil sings when he's high?
Can you please tell us without meandering around.

Some of us are like Thomas. We don't believe everything we hear or see.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
#30 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:30:02 PM
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QW25091985 wrote:
alma wrote:
its not wise to equate yourself to ALL people. I have no idea what a devilish symbol looks like. As I have never been to a "devilish" meeting.

But I have surely seen a wolf demanding MPesa from sick people on NTV. That I can tell you is a deceiver.

ati devilish symbols. wewe ulionana na shetani wapi utueleze ana vaa nguo aina gani?

you arguments are totally embarrassing youself and you are making a fool of yourself here ! real talk . if you dont want to make constructive arguments then go watch cartoon network and let us continue with our arguments !

Now how do you tell someone that they are making a fool of themselves yet your talking bout religion? Self control.....ok? Lack of self control is also demonic!!!
Patience. You cannot have a baby in one month by impregnating nine women....
#31 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:48:31 PM
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The song "umbrella" was originally written for Britney Spears but she rejected it.
#32 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:53:46 PM
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alma wrote:
QW jibu swali.

Have you ever been to a "devilish" meeting?
Can you name one cartoon that you saw the devil in?
Can you please tell us what songs the devil sings when he's high?
Can you please tell us without meandering around.

Some of us are like Thomas. We don't believe everything we hear or see.

you have totally missed the argument . sad you were the first of the stables to comment . LOL !
itsnot cartoons we are discussing here !
if you are asking me what demonic symbols are really . should i even be discussing with you ?
#33 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:58:46 PM
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I remember when KRA introduced the PIN in the nineties.....heee ...watu wakaanza kusema it is the number of the beast Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly they were refusing to sign up till salaries got 'arrested' for the civil servants who didn't have ...some people see ghosts, demons and shadows where none exist.
#34 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 12:59:56 PM
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Tokyo wrote:

trust me the musicians love ignorant people like you to spread their devilish agenda !

Well, the more religious is the society, the more sinful and wicked they are. Let's. E focused avoiding ignorance to realities

Tokyo, the disconnect between increase in religion and increase in wickedness is incomprehensible. Except if the religion is one and the same with the wickedness. So increase in one mutually raises the other. Something I have been yapping about for some time now for whoever cares to listen.

But to deviate from the thread a little and to answer Vky, God can be proved alright.

It just takes a curious and analytical mind. (Thats why I find myself more at loggerheads with the typical christian who advocates for emotions, you know, ´powerful preaching´, experiential religion and all that than with atheists or evolutionists etc).

In Job 12:7 God challenges us to ask the beasts, fowls of the air, the earth and fishes of the sea. Ati they will tell us they were created by Him.

So lets ask one of them, the fish, e.g. Mr. shark who resides in the sea. ´Mr. Shark, you are a vertebrate, so how do you get rid of salt and achieve osmoregulation?´

Well, marine animals have kidneys whose glomerulus and loop of henle is so adapted not to loose water and achieve a hyperosmotic urine.

But why would a marine animal have those 2 things to begin with?

That does not match evolution (or no creation). They should have no glomerulus at all (however cleverly adapted) if they evolved from a single cell in that saline environment! Why would they evolve with something they obviously dont need?

Unless of course they were not originally in that environment. But evolution (or no creation) states everything evolved from the sea! So that puts us at a quandary here, unless evolution (or no creation) is not true.

That would mean creation is true. The glomerulus in the vertebrate marine fish proves it. If creation is true, only one entity has claimed to be ´creator´.

Back to entertainment.
#35 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 1:04:19 PM
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quicksand wrote:
I remember when KRA introduced the PIN in the nineties.....heee ...watu wakaanza kusema it is the number of the beast Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly they were refusing to sign up till salaries got 'arrested' for the civil servants who didn't have ...some people see ghosts, demons and shadows where none exist.

well thats misplaced superstition which is kind of silly . but inclusion of symbols associated with the devil or demonic worship in entertainment is a no no . aiiigh !
#36 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 1:27:06 PM
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Rihanna Curse

The song's reign at number one in the United Kingdom occurred as the region was hit by extreme rainfall and flooding, which led The Sun to humorously suggest the two events were related, with the media referring to it as the "Rihanna Curse." The UK-based publication also highlighted the date of the single's video shot which was Friday the 13th (April 13, 2007), adding further coincidence of the curse. Before the single's release on May 14, the temperature in London, UK was relatively high, reaching 20 °C. However, just a day after the release, "severe weather warnings hit the headlines". An article in The Sun it urged readers to join the campaign to knock the song off the chart's top spot, suggesting to readers several other songs to download instead, all of which shared the theme of sunshine or summer.

A similar situation occurred in New Zealand, where the song hit number one in the early winter of 2007 as the country was experiencing some of the worst storms in its history.During the weather conditions, Taranaki, Tauranga, and Auckland had experienced tornadoes and flooding in the Far North of the country. Once the single was replaced on the top spot, weather condition almost in the entire New Zealand pacified, although Hawke's Bay was still stormy.

The same happened in Romania where "Umbrella" hit the stations in the nation during the summer. That summer was in its first half the hottest and driest period of time in Romania since 1946. As the song reached the top ten and then its number-one peak, the country experienced the worst storms and most pouring rains in its history. As the song was losing positions in the charts, the storm ended and the temperatures lowered step-by-step.

Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#37 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 1:32:28 PM
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@yesuwangu your argument is too remote to be considered as proof of existence of a creator and I would liken it to one who has been awed by the marvels of the universe and not knowing how such came to be concludes that there must be one great entity behind all this marvel which is pure conjecture
'One headache for famous medieval holy people was that someone might murder you to acquire your body parts for the relics trade'
#38 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 1:33:42 PM
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I wouldn't want to be the kind of person who sees the devil everywhere but I wouldn't want to be the kind of person who assumes that since they haven't seen the devil, he doesn't exist.

The spiritual is really strange to the human eye but I believe it does exist. God is there but so is the devil and his subtle ways.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#39 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 1:41:01 PM
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vky wrote:
@yesuwangu your argument is too remote to be considered as proof of existence of a creator and I would liken it to one who has been awed by the marvels of the universe and not knowing how such came to be concludes that there must be one great entity behind all this marvel which is pure conjecture

I wonder how atheists manage to explain everything with science.

How did they explain Achiba Bakari's coma? Bakari was a coast exorcist who when arrested by police fell into a deep coma. No one could wake him up at the Coast Provincial Gen Hospital. Someone told them that all they needed to do was get another mganga to perform some ceremonies and it worked!

@vky, you have seen a magician at work. What power is behind magic? Is there scientific explanation for it?
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#40 Posted : Friday, April 27, 2012 1:52:43 PM
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Why cann't we start by downloading and reading the SATANIC BIBLE? After all if you want to know about Rome, ask the Roman, right? and if you want to know abot satanism, why not read what the HIGH PRIEST of satanism has written?
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