quicksand wrote:People in broadcasting should sign a code of professional conduct,..and get barred from practicing if they violate it repeatedly. Or be charged with criminal negligence, like lawyers, or doctors. Personally facing jail time will deter people from spewing nonsense on air. Because, like proven in this case they are capable of causing emotional harm to a member or members of the public.
Seems like radio journalism is the only profession where any tom, dick and harry can just walk from the street and practice. And that's why the ethics have sunk so low because the radio host quacks are untrained and incompetent and thus are not even aware of any professional standards and ethics in their occupation. If an accountant needs a certificate (and membership to a professional body) to practice, same as a doctor, vet, engineer, architect, lawyer, teacher etc, why not radio journalists? That is why there is so much rot on radio, such as the quacks airing rotten sex shows at 8am in the morning, noon, and 3pm, in fact anytime day or night. The CCK, media council etc should do something about this sorry state of affairs.