Most hospitals have a package for health check ups. Aga Khan, Nairobi Hosp, Mater, Nairobi Womens, Karen Hosp, Meridian Medical Centre & others all have packages. Mater Hosp has a package that is approx Kshs 15k. Nairobi Hospital is about 25k. Please confirm current rates with them.
The doctor's plaza have doctors clinics and often no lab facilities.
Determine what 'Full check up' you want. Just as an indication, these are tests that are advised alongside a physical exam.
Full Haemogram
Urea/Electrolytes/Creatinine (Kidney Function tests)
Blood Sugar
Lipid profile-Cholesterol that is.
Liver Function Tests (LTF's)
Stool Occult blood
PSA (for men)
Pap Smear (for ladies)
Mammogram (for ladies)
....above all, to stand.