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You Lazy (Intellectual) African Scum!
#21 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2012 7:21:55 PM
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Joined: 9/13/2007
Posts: 44
The story goes..........I held my breath.

“Do you know where I found your intellectuals? They were in bars quaffing. They were at the Lusaka Golf Club, Lusaka Central Club, Lusaka Playhouse, and Lusaka Flying Club. I saw with my own eyes a bunch of alcoholic graduates. Zambian intellectuals work from eight to five and spend the evening drinking. We don’t. We reserve the evening for brainstorming.” He looked me in the eye. “And you flying to Boston and all of you Zambians in the Diaspora are just as lazy and apathetic to your country. You don’t care about your country and yet your very own parents, brothers and sisters are in Mtendere, Chawama, and in villages, all of them living in squalor. Many have died or are dying of neglect by you. They are dying of AIDS because you cannot come up with your own cure. You are here calling yourselves graduates, researchers and scientists and are fast at articulating your credentials once asked—oh, I have a PhD in this and that—PhD my foot!”....if you want to read the whole article, here is the link
#22 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2012 7:28:41 PM
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@ India you will be roasted alive. Wazuans don't like latecomers
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
-Mark Twain
#23 Posted : Thursday, January 26, 2012 7:40:21 PM
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run.....run....usiseme hukuambiwa.

#24 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2012 12:00:58 AM
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@bkismat and Kenmac.................did you talk of latecomer? Have you ever heard of "Georgesoros"? who disappeared after ODM lost 2007 election..........did i say lost? The only person who can beat me here is one and the only one... Njunge/Guka Bigeoti.
#25 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2012 9:38:28 AM
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Good story. Just wondering if it's real or made up. It's very hard (in my opinion) to remember a conversation this verbatim-ly unless you're recording. All the same, very interesting, insightful and it's time we woke up!

BBI will solve it
#26 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2012 11:17:44 AM
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india wrote:
@bkismat and Kenmac.................did you talk of latecomer? Have you ever heard of "Georgesoros"? who disappeared after ODM lost 2007 election..........did i say lost? The only person who can beat me here is one and the only one... Njunge/Guka Bigeoti.

welcome back then, i was aconsumer of your stocks advice.

Was just warning you to run before uambiwe "uko nyuma kama sokwe mtu".

See you on stocks corner
#27 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2012 12:34:30 PM
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“Do you know where I found your intellectuals? They were in bars quaffing. They were at the Lusaka Golf Club, Lusaka Central Club, Lusaka Playhouse, and Lusaka Flying Club. I saw with my own eyes a bunch of alcoholic graduates. Zambian intellectuals work from eight to five and spend the evening drinking. We don’t. We reserve the evening for brainstorming.” He looked me in the eye. “And you flying to Boston and all of you Zambians in the Diaspora are just as lazy and apathetic to your country. You don’t care about your country and yet your very own parents, brothers and sisters are in Mtendere, Chawama, and in villages, all of them living in squalor. Many have died or are dying of neglect by you. They are dying of AIDS because you cannot come up with your own cure. You are here calling yourselves graduates, researchers and scientists and are fast at articulating your credentials once asked—oh, I have a PhD in this and that—PhD my foot!”....if you want to read the whole article, here is the link

insightful and challenging...
...but on a light touch, is it that they have THEIRS?
"The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions" - Alfred adler
#28 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:38:34 AM
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kenmac wrote:
india wrote:
@bkismat and Kenmac.................did you talk of latecomer? Have you ever heard of "Georgesoros"? who disappeared after ODM lost 2007 election..........did i say lost? The only person who can beat me here is one and the only one... Njunge/Guka Bigeoti.

welcome back then, i was aconsumer of your stocks advice.

Was just warning you to run before uambiwe "uko nyuma kama sokwe mtu".

See you on stocks corner

GeorgeSoros was a very caustic guy, I suspected he was originally from Rift Valley considering he changiad with a lot of insight on a certain thread about how "Kaleo men spit while pissing"...but welcome back.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#29 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2012 9:25:57 AM
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Another african scum: a nogerian spends over 600k to open a facebook account for a sports organization.

#30 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2012 4:18:38 PM
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With all the INTELLECTUALS they have, you would not expect them to have cure for simple lifestyle diseases,And unemployment, And financial crisis? Ama they have not had schools of Health/Economics for 30 years??

They way we have swallowed this dialect line, hook and sinker further confirms the inferiority complex we have about our selves!
#31 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2012 4:42:25 PM
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I agree with the writer 100%, I have always wonder why do we buy fertilizers so expensive each and every year yet I believe it shouldn't be hard to come up with something, we import ferilizers for heavenly sake, isn't this made of cow shit?, I thought we had a university of agriculture and technology!

Seq Lu
#32 Posted : Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4:53:29 PM
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Posts: 164
So we got this read, something to keep us thinking/acting
“I have since moved to yet another group with similar intentions. In the next few months my colleagues and I will be in Lusaka to hypnotize the cobra. I work for the broker that has acquired a chunk of your debt. Your government owes not the World Bank, but us millions of dollars. We’ll be in Lusaka to offer your president a couple of millions and fly back with a check twenty times greater.”

“No, you won’t,” I said. “King Cobra is incorruptible. He is …”

Lazy Wazuan
They keep moving the cheese

stolen from opensuse forums :)
#33 Posted : Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:05:15 PM
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and this thread got me thinking how we are exploited in the name of 'helping us' mine metals & extracting oil Sad Sad Sad
#34 Posted : Wednesday, March 28, 2012 8:47:51 PM
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Joined: 11/15/2011
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Read this some time back on linkedin and I loved it.
The original author's name is Field Ruwe.

Some still call it “the dark continent” for the light that flickers under the tunnel is not that of hope, but an approaching train. And because countless keep waiting in the way of the train, millions die and many more remain decapitated by the day.

“Do you know where I found your intellectuals? They were in bars quaffing. Kenyan intellectuals work from eight to five and spend the evening drinking. We don’t. We reserve the evening for brainstorming.”

We believe that development is generated 8-to-5 behind a desk wearing a tie with our degrees hanging on the wall. Such a working environment does not offer the opportunity for fellowship, the excitement of competition, and the spectacle of innovative rituals

Sad Sad

funny,bitter evil and true.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#35 Posted : Thursday, March 29, 2012 9:08:28 AM
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The piece may well be very true: But I am no longer hot and bothered by instigative speech/posts like these.

As a single man, usually there is little impact you can have only a country, let alone an entire continent, unless you are uniquely talented, like Mandela or Tutu. The best you can do, and its a good start, is vote in good leaders with vision and who can formulate and implement good policies.

Just 1900 and the African race did not know civilization as it is. The civilization with us is one of Caucasian invention. They have had thousands of years of a head start ...by 1930, all we had in Kenya for instance were vast plains and forests and we were not any wiser, but we were comfortable.
Now look at a picture of New York at around the same time
...The great fire of London destroyed 80,000 homes in the city borders ...this was in 1666!!! it is overly ambitious to imagine we can develop infrastructure to be at par with these guys after just 80 years.

Yes, we have many serious problems, terrible leaders who are myopic selfish and sometimes bloodthirsty (and I am talking about the whole African continent here) ,...but so did Europe and the rest of the West in the Iron Ages ...they had savagery by the bucket loads, atrocities like the Spanish inquisitions, Napoleon, Hitler, King Richard of England and his crusades..etc etc just open a history book. Now wazungus want everybody to believe that they have always had this rosy democracy with the institutions ...rubbish!

We shall get there at some point. There will be good governance, infrastructure and institutions; But first we must rid ourselves of our stupidity and elect leaders with brains in their heads. Kenya for example seems to be on this promising path, and that is good.

Sorry all for being speechy smile
Obi 1 Kanobi
#36 Posted : Thursday, March 29, 2012 2:11:50 PM
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I agree with @quicksand. We are getting there, it may take time but we will eventually get there.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#37 Posted : Thursday, March 29, 2012 3:05:09 PM
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@quicksand, I agree with you. As someone(Chiluba?) once said, Africa is trying in 100 years to achieve what Europe achieved in half a millennium.

But it strikes me that African countries ruled by mzungu for long were prosperous economically when compared with black and Arab ruled Africa. With an exception of Botswana, African countries that got independence in their 60s and 70s degenerated into civil war, corruption, hunger, dictatorships etc.

Could it be that the tenets of western civilization such as freedom, democracy, integrity, accountability and human rights were and still are alien to the African and thus he needs time to adjust?

We have a long way to go but I'm still hopeful we will make it. Kenya is definitely moving forward on many fronts but we still have some sad cases in the continent like the recent Mali coup which takes us back to the dark days of the 60s, 70s and 80s. Can you imagine a coup in say France or UK?
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#38 Posted : Thursday, March 29, 2012 3:53:11 PM
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Let me start of by saying I agree with that article but not all African intellectuals are lazy!

I think the hindrance to innovation in Africa is small dreams. I will use an example to illustrate my point. I was privileged to school with some of the most brilliant ladies and gentlemen in this nation. Over time, I have noted that this group's biggest ambition is to work for the big four audit firms, the green giant and other companies whether they can earn 150+k. After this, this group considers itself to have "arrived".

Whenever we meet for a drink (as the article says) d'oh! many great ideas are floated and how they can be used to turned around for the better the lives of many. However, no action is ever taken. All talk but no action.

Not to despair all is not lost. As @quicksand rightly put it, we will get there. But we need to THINK BIG. We need to do to main things:

1. Exercise of civic rights but voting the right people in the upcoming election in Kenya! This will help us solve the leadership problem.
2. Dream/Think big. Don't settle for the usual. Think of transforming the community. Do settle when that idea makes you a million shillings for yourself. Incorporate and create opportunities.

I beg to stop! I am already feeling lazy Shame on you

#39 Posted : Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:36:37 PM
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quicksand wrote:
The piece may well be very true: But I am no longer hot and bothered by instigative speech/posts like these.

As a single man, usually there is little impact you can have only a country, let alone an entire continent, unless you are uniquely talented, like Mandela or Tutu. The best you can do, and its a good start, is vote in good leaders with vision and who can formulate and implement good policies.

Then . . .

We shall get there at some point. There will be good governance, infrastructure and institutions; But first we must rid ourselves of our stupidity and elect leaders with brains in their heads. Kenya for example seems to be on this promising path, and that is good.

Who is an intellectual? Why is the solitary person diffident? In saying one is 'unique' have we really said anything meaningful?

The start surely, has to be a consciousness of a certain idea or set of ideas, a dialogue with another for the sake of creating a vision, a leader,and finally by understanding these ideas are the very essence of life.

What is a civillization? Surely it is not something we can get to. As far as the present civillization is concerned, 'we' are the 'underlings.' It is another civillization that is possible. But can an election alone create a civillization?

It is easy for one to ask whether the African has understood 'democracy . . .' but all these words are founded on a favorable economic system, and so the matter is whether we have the ability to create a favorable economic system.

Does the 'African intellectual' even exist? A Kenyan male educated at some top notch institution to 'Professor' status, is he the intellectual we are talking about?

Perhaps all this talk about lazy African intellectuals is yet another ploy to keep the African in perpetual slavery.
#40 Posted : Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:44:38 PM
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@quicksand aka speechy

Thanks to the internet we are now a global village. Therefore the whole world is moving forward at the same time and not country by country. However if we follow your argument, we should not be posting on the internet or using mobile phones since we have not as a country followed the path of the western countries!

The idea that one person cannot make an impact also runs contrary to the story of the hummingbird as told by the late Noble laureate Professor Wangari Maathai. The hummingbird effect was recently demonstrated by KWS rangers who beat down the Mt. Kenya fire with no more than a bunch of twigs in one hand and a rifle in the other.

As Mahatma Gandi said, "be the change that you seek".
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