Rank: Member Joined: 8/3/2011 Posts: 197
I have decided to start a new thread since I have realized i can't continue posting on the thread i had started earlier here.What could be the problem? Could it have been usered? Anyway, back to the topic. Seems there was no one to interpret Article 89 for me. Let me try to break it down the way I understands it in respect to the constituencies. Mtanikosoa if I am wrong. “There shall be two hundred and ninety constituencies for the purposes of the election of the members of the National Assembly.”No. of Constituencies = 290“For the purposes of this Article, “population quota” means the number obtained by dividing the number of inhabitants of Kenya by the number of constituencies or wards, as applicable, into which Kenya is divided under this Article.”Kenya population (2009 census) = 38,610,097 Population quota = 38,610,097/290 = 133,138"The number of inhabitants of a constituency or ward may be greater or lesser than the population quota by a margin of not more than— (a) forty per cent for cities and sparsely populated areas"Cities = 1.4 x 133,138 = 186,394 Sparsely populated areas = 0.6 x 133,138 = 79,883"(b) thirty per cent for the other areas." Other areas upper limit = 1.3 x 133,138 = 173,080 Other area lower limit = 0.7 x 133,138 = 93,197Ok, now the question comes. What guided IIBRC (read odomo) to arrive at the proposed constituencies details? I have also noted that the constituency with the highest population is Makueni, with 243,219 people, which is contrary to my expectation. I expected the constituency with the highest population to be maybe somewhere in Nairobi. Or am I reading the Article selectively? "..one is only poor only if they choose to be.."-Dolly Partron