Rank: User Joined: 11/10/2010 Posts: 550 Location: Junction
the deal wrote:sparkly wrote:Insurgent wrote:[quote=FUNKY]Brilliant results from Carbacid...good to know they are increasing their foothold in export markets http://af.reuters.com/ar...s/idAFL6E8EK01G20120320[/quote] DPS of 3 shillings is only about 3% on its current price. BOC is getting into Carbon monoxide soon. I will pass this one. This company is sitting on a lot of liquid cash, close to 1B if i am not wrong.Margins of 55%, wow! No wonder BOC wanted to buy them so desperately. Liquid cash as represented under current assets is just Sh275m,net profit margins have been falling over the years due to high cost of production. They now stand at 36% which is an outlier among industrials..a company with cash is Unga...at FY 2011 it was more its market cap! The ndio...CMC has 4 billion in retained cash. How much does Unga have? By inference, the man is all that Mr Phantom is not: an untrustworthy radical, divisive, too many enemies, a dictator, and a persistent liar...Gaitho dialogues.