Since ECB has decided to surordinate all greek bondholders and ISDA goes along with the rigging to declare Sparta has not defaulted, one wonders who will buy the CDS for the other PIIGS from the main sellers - US banks. EU's LTRO cannot provide that liquidity, it's just a short term stop-gap measure. So when push comes to shove ECB, IMF & US Fed will be forced to QE and that will send commodities flying in one direction - up esp oil, gold, silver & food contracts. Then inflation follows suit. Then Iran or some nation will take the blame as well as oil speculators. This is the likely script for 2012. If the opposite path is taken, many banksters & gubberments will see endless revolts. Either way the outcome in future still points to a massive deleveraging period to reset everything, be it debt forgiveness or outright currency devaluations.
A very interesting decade full of reward for those nations at the bottom of debt bomb tank. 3rd world nations will definitely benefit the most during tbat capital flight period aka wealth transfer. And with the current EA oily moves, it will start here
2014 - 2015 should be the mother of the boom start. I'm most bullish from this period onwards...
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!