"micro lending"???!!!!! let them get into the murky waters if they come out unscathed i will know they are great.
How do you lend a guy say 10 k you dont hold any asset from him as security? you now say you have a standing remittance from this guy-most of the micro segment might be employed today the next day/two months down the line they are fired! have a 1000 guys like those and 3 moths down the line CBK tells you to write off as losses 10,000,000!kindly note a bank like Membba also serves both ends of the market so there is a cover of some sorts.incase of Member KWFt Faulu they have gaurantors,group gaurantees,maintain relation with employers and their officers are in always in the fields collecting monies and chattels-because that is their core business!the stringent regulations that comes with banking i know banks would like Safcom to come on board and then insist they comply fully to allow fair compettion.
Africa belongs to Africans.