TiggerTiggy wrote:have a friend who owns half an acre in mtwapa area mombasa about 300 metres from the beach. he is thinking of putting up 1 or 2 coastal cottages on the plot for short or even long term rental. anyone here have any advice on the biz, its viability etc etc this is especially to those in the tourism industry
Its a good business idea but you'll need to consider:
Accessbility: it might be close to the beach but inaccessible the only tarmac road i know of in that area towards the beach is the one done by sun n' sand the other well maintained all weather road is towards north coast hotel if you around there u sorted
Security: Some of the areas in the interiors of mtwapa/shanzu have insecurity issues.
You also don't want to spent money putting up the cottages and make no returns due to lack of clients get to know a few tour operators who can get you some clients otherwise you will only be getting clients over Easter/December holiday.