Hahaha! In jumla that smus ad is summarizing all mamaz with safcom no. to be worth 5/= and I have 2 ndovuz in my pocket! How many mamaz are those for the weakend?....Auuuuiiii!!
QW25091985 wrote:i think the marketing department failed miserably ..i mean they failed in the wording COMPLETELY !
Maybe they should have said " Show some love for only 5 bob " ,or something like that !
Thats just as far as the eye can see but what exactly is going on underneath this sales gimmick?
Lets go back a little while ago when Bob was talking about his strategies on how he is going to return safcom to its large profits. (article in buisness daily)
Restructuring was the first thing he did. Now he is using bad news to make better revenues, isnt it alittle too obvious that bad news sells big. I mean who would bother to talk about sms costing 5/=. Thats old stale vybe. He needs a good host to propagate the same "stale vybe" to the masses and that host has to be sth that sells really well. That something is bad news
I must say its working pretty well. How many people are going to know about this? Its all about making those numbers at the end of the day.