sasa excit ni nini?????
You guys need to think outside-in. Facebook is very valuable especially now that it has Google's backing
1. As long as there will be teenagers and tweenagers, Facebook will stay valuable. However, FB has to keep innovating and keeping their target audience captive lest it goes the way of myspace. Thus far I think FB does a good job on innovation.
2.How important do you think the info that people voluntarily give on the FB page is? How much is it worth to a marketer to know what someone likes/dislikes, where they work, what their location is, what their age is, what their socio-economic status is etc etc.Plus marketers can reach out to a target audience by asking them to like a certain product and thus being able to market even more stuff to them directly.
3. How valuable is it to the US government to know what people's affiliations are, what relationship they have with different people, what their recent activites are ( especially if they are on parole)
4. How valuable is FB to developed worlds to finally have a record of people in the developing world, how to reach them, what they like, what their political inclinations are, basically being able to analyze their habits and use that for economic gain.
I wouldnt write off the FB IPO, Wallstreet will embrace it since its a great marketing tool, the only question is how long will they embrace it for/ how long till the bubble bursts. Some bubbles burst immediately, but some like Apple grow enormous legs