My daughter had similar symptoms, coughs, colds, etc and i visited Gertrude's every time and would get antibiotics but they colds wouldn't go away, the Paeds at Gertrude's said she was getting reinfected at school, this made sense since she never had the colds and coughs during the holidays, however on one occasion she had the cold for three consecutive weeks, each time they would change the drugs but she got worse, one time the doctor said i should give her honey and lemon (i look back and think i must be stupid)and sent me home. A day later at night she complained of chest pain, i was not home, my housegirl called a friend to take her to hospital and naturally she asked her where i normally take her whenever she is unwell. So she was taken to Gertrude's and they diagnosed Pneumonia. She was treated and got better, just thanking God that their was a good doctor that day.
Recently, a friend's son fell while playing, took him to the clinic at City Cabanas, they said he was okay yet the boy was screaming meaning he was in pain, the boy happens to be autistic so they said he was behaving like any autistic kid would. She later took the boy to Nairobi hospital, they discovered the boy had sprained his neck hence the pain whenever he would move and the screaming.
I used to visit a Dr. Muiva at Reinsurance Plaza not sure he is there anymore, lots of experience and wisdom.
I met someone i happen to know, who happens to work there, in her twenties, no kids of her own, how can i trust that person to treat my child? i have over the years realised some things come with age just like old wine.
Someone recommended GNLD supplements, Vitaguard and Vitasquare for my daughter, she has not had a cold in a while and am doing half the recommended doze. the two cost around 5k enough for two and three months, Six and four for me, since am doing half the recommended doze.