Hmmm... After the S&P euroland downgrade parade, a country like Estonia has a better rating that Italy!? A country like Cyrus or Portugal is almost at KE's rating. KE indeed has a strong econ as per S&P! As for the PIIGS we now have Grecians & Portuguese downgraded to junk. I wonder if we'll get a troy moment or end up with 'this is sparta' war cry...
Now that S&P has decided that it'll continue trying to say the truth, that puts moodys and fitch on tight spots as they're seen as jokers in rating...
Update - keep an eye on Generali & Allianz. These insurance firms may be the AIG of euroland if SHTF (sh** hits the fan).
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!