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Graduate Salaries in Kenya : A Review
#101 Posted : Friday, November 04, 2011 9:48:23 AM
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THE WORLD PAYS YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU KNOW i.e. The World will pay you not for having academic qualifications but for what you can do with those qualifications.

Graduates should rid themselves off that sense of entitlement and instead seek for ways to increase their practical knowledge to add to their academic papers, seek internships even unpaid ones and accumulate as much practical experience, then you can start flashing the certificate and practical skills at the same time..

Poly students seem not to have such superiority complex and therefore they seek to get as much practical knowledge as possible and its not surprise that they outperform the graduates in practical application of whatever knowledge they have...its all about the hands on skills, a degree certificate is just a good foundation, not the actual building....
#102 Posted : Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:39:51 PM
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@ accerilconsult please send the salary review to busy.ider@yahoo.co.uk
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#103 Posted : Tuesday, November 08, 2011 1:48:46 PM
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Hey this is interesting. Graduates in Kenya aren't as appreciated as they should. Take a look at what I have to say about unpaid internships: http://thehapicompany.bl...tes-should-not-take.html
#104 Posted : Tuesday, November 08, 2011 2:53:09 PM
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@misspretty.......when will you get the point,no one will pay you in today's world because of your graduate-hood, its what you can do with that degree that matters, not having the degree,those days are gone by,its all obvious so get out of your cocoon and stop mis-advising the poor fellows......
#105 Posted : Tuesday, November 08, 2011 10:53:55 PM
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nwamaina wrote:
@misspretty.......when will you get the point,no one will pay you in today's world because of your graduate-hood, its what you can do with that degree that matters, not having the degree,those days are gone by,its all obvious so get out of your cocoon and stop mis-advising the poor fellows......

Actually I do agree with your point. Having papers is useless if you cant 'do'. There is nothing as irritating as a graduate without skills. I don't know if you have had the chance to read the article http://thehapicompany.bl...es-should-not-take.html what I am advocating for is people seeking development based internships which will help them gain skills and add on to their qualifications, be it degrees,dips. certs...
#106 Posted : Wednesday, November 09, 2011 7:05:48 AM
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papers alone will take you no where but the right attitude will.i have two friends whom we graduated with in the early 90s.they both joined the kenya police as constables a few years laters.one of them had a very serious issue with superiority complex.he believed he was better that all the other cops ..a degree those days was very rare in the police force.12 years down the line though he was promoted to inspector,hehas a lot of discipline problems and actually adds no value to the police.my other friend just had the right attitude and loved his lowly job.12 years later he retired honourably from the police and is now a security consultant in an international NGO earning big bucks in south sudan. So all ye graduates,be advised that the attitude determines your future.afterall a degree is supposed to help you build your character and attitude.the right paycheck will then follow you automatically.
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#107 Posted : Wednesday, November 09, 2011 8:34:48 AM
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nwamaina wrote:
THE WORLD PAYS YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU KNOW i.e. The World will pay you not for having academic qualifications but for what you can do with those qualifications.

Graduates should rid themselves off that sense of entitlement and instead seek for ways to increase their practical knowledge to add to their academic papers, seek internships even unpaid ones and accumulate as much practical experience, then you can start flashing the certificate and practical skills at the same time..

Poly students seem not to have such superiority complex and therefore they seek to get as much practical knowledge as possible and its not surprise that they outperform the graduates in practical application of whatever knowledge they have...its all about the hands on skills, a degree certificate is just a good foundation, not the actual building....

#108 Posted : Wednesday, November 09, 2011 11:21:58 AM
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@ accerilconsult please send the salary review to thephako[at]gmail[dot]com
#109 Posted : Wednesday, November 09, 2011 11:51:14 AM
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hairglo wrote:
@ accerilconsult please send the salary review to thephako[at]gmail[dot]com

@accelrilconsult..the email you sent did not have an attachment.. please resend.. ratenmozen at gmail dot com
new investor
#110 Posted : Wednesday, November 09, 2011 12:52:44 PM
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sanity wrote:
papers alone will take you no where but the right attitude will.i have two friends whom we graduated with in the early 90s.they both joined the kenya police as constables a few years laters.one of them had a very serious issue with superiority complex.he believed he was better that all the other cops ..a degree those days was very rare in the police force.12 years down the line though he was promoted to inspector,hehas a lot of discipline problems and actually adds no value to the police.my other friend just had the right attitude and loved his lowly job.12 years later he retired honourably from the police and is now a security consultant in an international NGO earning big bucks in south sudan. So all ye graduates,be advised that the attitude determines your future.afterall a degree is supposed to help you build your character and attitude.the right paycheck will then follow you automatically.

Clearly, most of Wazuans did not get my post. My issue is not with all these, rather, big privete companies especially banks who only employ graduates but the pay they offer is kidogo. Na hawataki non- graduates.
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#111 Posted : Wednesday, November 09, 2011 2:01:19 PM
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All that i've earned in my lifetime has not been coz of papers. Everytime i interview graduates one common thing always comes up, they don't know some basic stuff and demand for crazy salos as compared to guys with dips, certs and other professional papers. Nowadays i only take dip & cert guys coz they are easy to groom & efficient. Most of them pursue for a degree later so as to add on their papers while working.
'They say money cannot buy me happiness but when i compare when i had none and now, i'm happier' Kevin O'leary
#112 Posted : Monday, November 14, 2011 2:18:46 PM
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erifloss wrote:
All that i've earned in my lifetime has not been coz of papers. Everytime i interview graduates one common thing always comes up, they don't know some basic stuff and demand for crazy salos as compared to guys with dips, certs and other professional papers. Nowadays i only take dip & cert guys coz they are easy to groom & efficient. Most of them pursue for a degree later so as to add on their papers while working.

..and the staff turnover with graduates is much higher
#113 Posted : Monday, November 14, 2011 2:53:03 PM
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This post has been turned into a forum for lumping together graduates as a greedy incompetent lot whose only concern is money.

I will go against this misinformation and report that I have had the pleasure of recruiting and working with very many bright, intelligent, unassuming and passionate graduates. I let each of these precociousyoung minds find their niche in the work place and shine brightly enough to illuminate those around them who have no light of their own. Of course I have had a few disappointments but then statistically, the number of graduate failures have been no more than the number of diploma failures.

#114 Posted : Monday, November 14, 2011 3:26:13 PM
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incognito wrote:
accelriskconsult wrote:
[quote=new investor]Wazuans your comments are hilarious

I have a copy of the 2009 salary survey. If you are interested, I can send you a copy so that you can authoritatively state whether your skill is underpaid for.

kenyamerchant@live.com Send me the survey Pray . Am interested.

Send me a copy of the survey.... cubbungo@gmail.com

#115 Posted : Monday, November 14, 2011 3:47:52 PM
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Godfrey_Kabungo wrote:
incognito wrote:
accelriskconsult wrote:
[quote=new investor]Wazuans your comments are hilarious

I have a copy of the 2009 salary survey. If you are interested, I can send you a copy so that you can authoritatively state whether your skill is underpaid for.

kenyamerchant@live.com Send me the survey Pray . Am interested.

Send me a copy of the survey.... cubbungo@gmail.com


send me also at txxxxshakur@gmail.com
...things fall apart...the centre cannot hold..mere anarchy is loosed upon the world...w b yeats
#116 Posted : Monday, November 14, 2011 4:25:50 PM
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Kihara joni
#117 Posted : Tuesday, August 05, 2014 4:03:56 PM
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gohill wrote:
I once worked for a company where the boss used to tell us you are a cost and you should justify why i should not cut costs but if it's an essential cost even if it goes up i will pay. So every body had to work really hard to prove s/he is an essential cost. The rewards were good.

Exactly and graduates should know that you need some on job training even if you are 1st class honours, so start from somewhere, I always ask new employees what they earned from the previous jobs, if they are fresh graduates I put them on enough to sustain them (even pay rent & transport) if I get good work you get the full job if not you hit the door.
#118 Posted : Tuesday, August 05, 2014 10:15:38 PM
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Kihara joni wrote:
gohill wrote:
I once worked for a company where the boss used to tell us you are a cost and you should justify why i should not cut costs but if it's an essential cost even if it goes up i will pay. So every body had to work really hard to prove s/he is an essential cost. The rewards were good.

Exactly and graduates should know that you need some on job training even if you are 1st class honours, so start from somewhere, I always ask new employees what they earned from the previous jobs, if they are fresh graduates I put them on enough to sustain them (even pay rent & transport) if I get good work you get the full job if not you hit the door.

Understandable if it's a bullshit company that no good talents want to work for anyway.... Any company that the hiring manager make such decision is a bullshit company.

I was offered $25k signing bonus and $9k to relocate, that was before I even had a badge to get into the building.
#119 Posted : Tuesday, January 20, 2015 11:12:34 PM
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So many factors determine how much a graduate will be paid.

1. a technical course like architecture, programming and medicine, you cant expect to pay a person 10k per month. some courses like teaching coz they are easy to do might deserve that

2. if you are a consultant and using the graduate to make millions of money, then you are indebted to pay him a lot, more than 100k if he brings you more than 600k every month. Like Quantity surveyors and architects.

3. its so obvious, a CPA section 2 holder or these diplomas, cannot outdo a graduate. in technical firlds like engineering, the diploma guy will beat the graduate in simple undertakings like wiring and changing filters, but go to the design stage and testing designing, you will appreciate a graduate engineer.

4. papers play a very vital role in Kenya today, my friend did Acturial Science, CPAk and ACCA and was immediately employed by KenyaRe with a starting salary of 120k immediately after college.

5. my dentist friend recently graduated from UoN and works as a part timer with some dentist in town, at the end of the day, he is paid 3k. at the end of the month the recent graduate dentist makes abt 160k, salo ya manager wa Equity Bank.

6. being a member of a professional body improves your bargaining power.

7. Online jobs are quite plenty nowadays, i earn a net of 50k and make 25k monthly working online after work.

at the end of the day, its not the money that will bring you happiness. live your life to the fullest, dress nicely, eat good food, exercise and watch and laugh and you will enjoy your life more than my friend who works in Britam earning 600k Gross but still lives at home with his mum!! munching a chic has to be away game for him!!
Enjoy every moment of your life, you never know when your time will come.
#120 Posted : Saturday, January 24, 2015 1:34:32 AM
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Me: Hi what's your name and what exactly does your company do?
Graduate:Chewing gum at an exhibition stand and talking like she doesn't give a damn.
Well just take a brochure and see what we do
Me:Puzzled,I take some and begin reading.
Graduate:Is your company employing?
Me:Actually... we are restructuring and employing cost cutting measures, including lay offs where we have job duplications. No am not the employer
so ahead and apply since we have a reserve for cvs awaiting opp.to pop up. Who knows your lucky day.

Graduate:Does your company allow people to travel?
Me:To where?? and for what??
Graduate:Anywhere in and out of the country
Me:Ok what's your speciality?
Me:Then why are you looking for work in this Industry? If I travel in the course of duty,it's because its part of my JD and I must account for it ,because it costs the co.
You dont travel at work as a hobby.
Graduate: Argh
Me: Can you serve tea if asked to do so during an interview?
Graduate: No way,I want to do what you do.
Me: Well you are joking. My first job,was in a cyber.I used to type,make phone calls,clean floor ,serve tea and wash toilet. 2 of us working in shift for a rich couple.I was earning something at your age.
Graduate: We are taught to aim high and think big,so how did all that help you?
Me: It was a bridge ,a stepping stone because when I got a call to work in a big office 8 mnths later,as part of the interview the boss gave me work on his PC ,he was testing my computer skills which I had perfected at the cyber.
I got the job.

Now stuff like cleaning made me humble and built a character in me.It made me respect and appreciate low level staff because I have done what they do.
But listen without chewing gum because it's considered uncouth esp in such a place full of potential employers.
I have been to places I could only dream of and dined with those occupying huge offices. The network as you go up will open doors for you. You dont have to be big, all you need is bread on your table! through humility and hardwork.

So when you are asked to do something sane, grab the chance .Most important is to get in.But let management know that' its short term for orientation purposes,good test for patience.

Graduate:Thank you .Will consider.

I observed the following in her;
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