The 56% of Kenyans who live on less than a dollar a day are probably not online.,. and thus not @emmndi's target. And for those who can afford a holiday,the KWS bandas are the cheapest you can get. I organize holidays for people and trust me,the few who can afford do not even touch the KWS bandas with a mkwajo. i know this for a fact
@emmndi was only trying to encourage those who can afford to share experiences on where to go. the thread was meant to help those who can,and want to take their families somewhere on holiday. so...for the sake of those who can afford,lets share ideas..Dec is almost here
1. KWS bandas
2. Coast - Cottages(check out Langata link.com)
3. Masai Mara - Go for tented camps(Check out Olmorantented camp.com)OR (Mara sidai camp,cant remember the website,google it
PS: If visiting a game park, most of the hotels/camps either outside the park or at the park's border have the best rates as opposed to those located deep inside the park. plan your holiday early,it saves you a LOT!
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