Wendz wrote:While we are at this.... now, yesterday while watching the proceedings, there is this counsel was on the prosecutors side. she was narrating how the violence took place and the details... most of the things she touched on was rape, sexual harassment etc... now, i was watching with my 8 year old. He asked me "what do they do when they rape you?" Kama ni wewe, ungejibu nini? I fumbled with words and hoped to be let off the hook... which i was.. may be the poor dude is more confused but i would want to explain better the next time it comes up.
@ Wendz I have no answer for you but your son takes me years back ( I think in 1987) when Tyson was convicted for rape and it was on the from page of the Nation. My bro who was 7 years asked my mom what rape was. We all went quiet and my mom told him rape is boxing.
Dont try this at home lest you tell him rape is Hague, a city in Europe.
Lord, thank you!