Btw @nab you remind of me professor who thot I was an econ misfit & gave me several downgrades like Greek bonds. I defaulted out of school, but by magic I became wealthier...
Btw you are not the only one to call me doom & gloom here or a spooked investor etc. I like it
The date is meant for 2011
Like I said I wont be dragged into arguments. But you can buy gold & silver for some handy returns. If you can get physical bullion
Wassup with the swiss franc - another xmas egg
Meanwhile BoA heading back to $6. Buffet's stimulus put is not following the script? Global bank stocks are still very bullish upside down for weeks now with interesting CDS spikes
esp in euroland. The euroland short selling ban has worked pretty fine in these 'free' markets. S.Korea too has 'worked fine' as per the regulator's expectation.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!