Now Kibaki, Raila and Kalonzo have another mass funeral to attend and give us the usual rhetoric.
Why are Michuki rules not being enforced.
What a failed state we have here.
100 burnt in slum fire / 30 killed by illicit beer / 30 killed in mbooni matatu crash ,Many more in Meru / now 11 killed by a reckless speeding bus in in less than a month.
A simple well inspected speed governor can reduce these road carnage.
The Vehicle inspection unit , Nairobi Area is a den of thieves.
I wish we could privatise this unit and even traffic department .
At least a private company would not allow money to be siphoned by greedy employees.
Just look at what Citizen TV has done to its managers and see what I mean.
2012 is here.Kenya is Ours.Be Part of The Peace Keeping Mission To Protect Our Motherland.Say No To Violence and Tribal Hatred .If you can read this,wewe ni mtu amesoma, usifikirie kama mtu hajaenda shule .Ni Hayo Tu