Please find below our Christmas collection.
all the 1850 eBooks at 1,500
all the 42 audio books in 1 DVD at 1,500 or in several CD’s at 2,000
each of the Movies at 200
All the movies at 3,500
All the 1850 eBooks & the 42 audio books at 2,500
All the 42 audio books & the 20 movies at 4500
All the 1850 eBooks & the 20 movies at 4,500
Obtain the whole package at 5,000
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jsaitoti@gmail.com“Save a tree. Don’t print this post unless it’s really necessary.”
If you need any of the eBooks- to a maximum of four- in the list below for free, leave me your email address.
Listed below are the audio books-Subjects; love, relationships, marriage,
kamasutra, investments, business, leadership, project management,
personal effectiveness, accounting, auditing, finance, marketing,
economics, human resource, cv writing, career development, personal
development , working with teams, strategy
1. Cultivating an Unshakable Character - Jim Rohn
2. Paulo Coelho -The Alchemist
3. CashFlow Quadrant
4. Freedom or Security
5. Retire Rich Retire Young
6. Rich Dad's Guide to Investing
7. Johnson, _Spencer_-_Who_Moved_My_Cheese
8. Donald_Trump_-_Think_Like_a_Billionaire
9. Napoleon Hill_-_Think_and_Grow_Rich
10. Audio_Book_-_Richard_Bandler_-_Using_Your_Brain
11. Your_Sixth_Sense_-_Intuition_&_Psychic_Abilities
12. Audio_Books_Orson_Welles_-__War_of_the_Worlds, _Original
13. Audio_Books_Wayne_Dyer_Dreamland_How_to_Have_Conscious_Contact_with_God
14. Audio_book_-_speak_english_like_an_american
15. Sun_Tzu_-_The_Art_of_War
16. Audio_Books_-Wayne_Dyer_-_Building_loving_relationships
17. Audio_Books_-_Wayne_Dyer_-_YOU_CAN_DO_ANYTHING
18. Audio_Books_-_How_To_Read_A_Person_Like_A_Book
19. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself - Excellent!
20. Anthony Tony Robbins - How to Solve Problems Quickly
21. Anthony Tony Robbins - Learn To Learn Faster (Hypnosis)
22. Barack Obama-The Audacity of Hope
23. Deepak Chopra - Overcoming Obstacles to Spiritual Growth
24. Don Gabor - How to Start a Conversation
25. Hypnosis - How to Destroy Your Mental Barriers
26. Tony Robbins - How to Master Your Emotions
27. Tony Robbins-Eliminating Self-Sabotage
28. 60 sermons of Randy Skeete
29. Audio Book - Dan Kennedy - The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing
30. Developing A Powerful Sales Personality (Brian Tracy)
31. Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
32. Covey - 8th Habit
33. Covey - First Things First
34. 48 laws of power
35. Bruce Muzik Mind Mastery 101
36. Craig Goldblatt prepare to win vol. 1
37. Dayo Olumu You Got the Power!
38. Murphy's Committee Jerry D Rhino Clark
39. The platinum collection Denis Waitley HEALTHY, WEALTHY & WISE
40. Malcolm X speeches
41. Martin Luther King Speeches
42. Several Poetic speeches
Listed below are the movies
1. Dr. martin Luther king; -authorized biography
2. Leslie brown
3. Public speaking.
4. The secret.
5. Marilyn Devonish -Overcoming barriers to success
6. Willey jolley-A setback is a setup for a comeback.
7. Obamas speeches.
8. The truth about network marketing
9. The greatest Gospel Collection-64 songs in video
10. The truth behind hip hop, zeitgeist & The pursuit of Happiness.
11. Patton Oswalt- My weakness is strong
12. T.D Jakes- Reposition yourself
13. Best T.D Jakes collection
14. T.D Jakes- Liberation
15. T.D Jakes-The great Message
16. Joel Osteen- A new beginning
17. Ben Carson- Gifted Hands
18. Joel Osteen- Discover the champion in you.
19. Zig Ziglar & Jim Rohn- excellence
20. Rich dad poor dad video- Robert Kiyosaki