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#1 Posted : Sunday, November 08, 2009 12:10:00 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 4/16/2008
Posts: 157
After collecting dozens upon dozens of e-books,audio and visual materials,I have decided to start a business with them.

4 days into it,I have received 6 orders from friends and family all wanting a piece of the cake.

Here is my story,I greatly hope it will inspire other youthful entrepreneurs to start with what they have & build on what they know.

'Without deviation from the norm,progress is not possible.'

Frank Zappa

Wakenya or is it Wanakenya,

Here is the complete collection of all the eBooks and related articles,818 in total and includes all the others posted here before.

They include books by world class authors,philosophers,experts/professionals and renowned leaders,strategists and success coaches.

They are all in one high quality DVD,costing 1200-/- ; free delivery within Nairobi. Outside Nairobi,delivery can be organized at a considerable service fee.

The monk who sold his Ferrari- Robin Sharma

The saint,the surfer & the CEO- Robin Sharma

Timeless wisdom- Robin Sharma

Anthony Robbins - Awaken the Giant Within

Business eBook -strategic management and planning

(Business eBook) -16 Secret of Guerilla marketing

(Business eBook)- The Psychology of Colour and Internet Marketing,

(EBook –pdf) sexpertise –Men’s Health Books

(EBook business investing) the encyclopedia of trading strategic

How to Trade Both Trend and Range Markets by Single Strategy

Business-Plan-2007-2012-Edition June 2008-23 June 2008

63 killer marketing strategies

101 activities for teaching creativity

101 creativity

101 workouts

101 instant- marketing-strategies

200 Best Jobs for College Graduates JIST Best Jobs Series 3rd Edition

330tips Wiley Trading

The Value-Connection- A Four- Step Market Screening Methods to Match

A Course in Game Theory –Martin J.Osborne

A Millionaires Mapping Guide Start Your Dream now

ACL Advertising

Acme consulting-Live

Adventure Travel-Live


Alpha Books-Teach Yourself Business Plans in 24 Hours

Antony Robbins –How to Get Any Business Going and Growing-Interviews Jay Abraham Arts- And- Craft

Bauer- Aose2001

BBB Application from KE

Business School-Robert T Kiyosaki

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki-Why We Want You to Be Rich

Robert Kiyosaki-Rich-Dad- Poor- Dad

Robert Kiyosaki what the rich invest in

Why great men Fall

Best Business Books of 2005

Best Business Books of 2006

Be Twin2000xp-

Big Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business 50 pgs PDF

Blue Ocean-strategy

BP 9 Ways to use your business plan

Branding Failure by Matt Haig

Business Goldmine-100 Profitable Business Models

Business Plan

Business Plan for a Startup Business-Template

Business- And Finance 40230

Business Intelligence Smart Tags

Business Letters for Busy People

Business Skill Guide

Butterworth Heinemann Strategies for Growth in Nov 2004 EBook Ling

Bzz Agent Case study –clamato

Bzzagent case study –dunkin donuts

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Cambridge self scoring iq test

Cambridge university press English for business communication

career press invent business opportunities no one else can imagine 2002

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Cdma technologies

What is FOREX?


Discovering Your Trading Personality

Advanced Macroeconomics by David Romer


Schaum's Principle of Economics

How to Prepare Effectively for Interviews


How to construct an effective c.v

How To Chooce And Prepare For Career

How to Answer The 64 Toughest Interview Questions

(eBook) (cooking) A Great Taste

(EBook) Kotler,Philip –Corporate models better marketing plans

(EBook pdf) Cooking Recipe

Cook Book –PDF Format

(eBook –pdf) Ross Jeffries –Speed Seduction Illustration demo

15 minutes cover letter


The Dip


Center for creative leadership making creativity practical innovation that gets results

EBook-lib computer consulting live

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cpu 052007

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Destination volume 2005

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Edward Elgar publishing handbook on the knowledge economy


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Funny facts

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Harvard business review April 2007

a painted house

a fool and his money

blue smoke-Nora Roberts

a footing the grave

Brian Herbert &Kevin J Anderson-dune house arteries

Brian Herbert &Kevin j Anderson –dune house harkonnen

brown Dan –deception point

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chronicles of Narnia

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Condensed novels


dummy wife

final fantasy 8

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frank Herbert –Dunne 6-chapterhouse dune


George Orwell -1984

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Henry James –confidence

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j.k .Rowling –harry potter and the order of the phoenix

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john Grisham –a painted house

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john grisham –the partner

little essays of love

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lord of the ring –collection

Michael Crichton –timeline

niccollo Machiavelli the prince

Nora Roberts –from the heart –book1

Nora Roberts –night tales 01

Nora Roberts –opposites attract

Nora Roberts –the Macgregor 2 temping fate (caine dia)

Nora Roberts –the mckades brothers -1 the return of rife

Nora Roberts –world apart

Nora Roberts&jd Robb –conspiracy in death

once upon a midnight dreary

Robert Kiyosaki-rich dad poor dad

Roberts Nora -a matter of choice

Roberts’s nora-carolinea moon

Roberts nora-irish jewels 1 jewels of sun

Roberts Nora –irish jewels 2 –tears of the moon

Roberts Nora –irish jewels 3 –heart of the sea

Roberts Nora-key 1 –key of light

Roberts Nora –key 2-2003-key of knowledge

Roberts Nora-key 3-key of valor

Roberts Nora-loving jack 03 lawless

Robert Nora –magic and fantasy 04-spellbound

Robert Nora –magic and fantasy 05-winter rose

Robert Nora-north to the rails

Roberts Nora –rebellion

State –the union

Stephen king -47 books

Stephen king-the collective

the art of war 2

The art of war by niccollo Machiavelli

the brainwashing manual

the cry of the prophet –Paul Belington

The papyrus of ani

the $300,000bequest

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Thomas hairs red dragon

Thomas Harris –the silence of the lambs

Tim Clancy-net force 1 intemafia

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eBook-psychology –how to control your brain at will

8 steps to success101 ways to succeed in selling

101 things I’ve learn in my 50 trips around the sun,

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Greene the 48 laws of power 2

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eBook psychology Joseph r plaza mastering the art of persuasion,influence and seduction

eBook economic the wealth of nations by Adam smith

eBook how to win friends & influence people –dale Carnegie

Harvard business review –what makes a leader (1)

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70 top motivational quotes (9pages)

a view from the top –Ziglar

Adam smith an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nation,

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Anthony Robbins the power to influence

Anthony Robbins interviews jay Abraham How to get any business going and growing

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Herbert m klatt the encyclopedia of leadership practical guide to popular leadership,

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Robert cladini –influence –science and practice 4th ed,

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Harvard business school press –marketing essential

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User’s Guide to speed seduction

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Wiley_How_to_persuade_People-Who _don’t _want to be persuaded,

Wyckoff,Richard D –The day trader’s Bible

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Bob proctor –you were born rich -247 pages

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8 simple ways to effective interpersonal communication

10 soft skills

20 questions to get to know someone

52 best ever success quotes

Amacom-the handbook of business letters

21 success secrets of self –made millionaire

Barrack obama,your words have power

Be a good listener! Women love it

Cambridge university press –English for business communication,communication –it’s not what you say it’s who you are that counts

Communication skills

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Effective communication skills,

English business letters

Essential communication skills hansdbook.mcfarland+vizziini

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Flexible work options

Here a quick way to tell someone you’re interested –without saying a word

How to make him open up and connect with you

How to talk to any guy anywhere –tips for breaking the ice

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Sweet things to say to you girlfriend –when love you becomes overrated

The top 60 soft skills at work

Time management skills

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Dam marketing kolter

April 2009 newsletter

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Business plan –on target –the book on marketing plans

Development marketing strategies and plans

Architects of Fate,by Orison Swett Marden

Memoirs of a woman of pleasure

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases

Only 10 minutes a day to create the life of your dreams

How to Become an Alpha Male in 18

Easy lessons by Halley suitt

History of the United States

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Paulo Coelho the devil and Miss Prym

Paulo Coelho the zahir

By the river piedra I sat down and wept Paulo Coelho

Eleven minutes by Paulo Coelho

Poise: how to attain it

The age of reason

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The mystic will,by Charles Godfrey Leland

The kamasutra- illustrated

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The art of kissing Hugh Morris

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David deangelo-dating insider –guide to flirting

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Table managers

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1999-intergated and decoupled corporate social performance

2000-social entrepreneurship

2005 SEL annual review

Sell annual review 2006

2006 social and commercial entrepreneurship same different or both

,2007sel annual review 2007

2007 social entrepreneurship the case for definition

2007 the evolution of corporate social responsibility

2008 a study on social entrepreneurship and characteristics of social entrepreneurs

2008 new strategies for a sustainable society –the growing contribution of social entrepreneurship

2008 social entrepreneurship key issues

Social enterprise monograph

David deangelo-critical moments &bridges

David deangelo- double you’re dating

David deangelo-how to get laid

David deangelo-one default things to do in any situation

David deangelo-sex secrets

David deangelo-dating tips-how to flirt and why

David deangelo-dating tips-approaching women a great example

David deangelo-dating tips-funny jokes collection

David deangelo-dating tips-how to flirt and why

David deangelo-double your dating-advance series notes-summary

David deangelo-double your dating-attraction isn’t a choice summary

David deangelo-double your dating- attraction isn’t a choice

Double your dating-how to change yourself

David deangelo- double your dating-lovers and provider personalities

David deangelo- double your dating-sex secrets

David deangelo- double your dating-sexual communication-series notes-summary

David deangelo- double your dating-sexual communication workbook

David deangelo- double your dating-the 8 personalities that naturally attract women

David deangelo- double your dating-what every man should know

David deangelo- double your dating-(ad-on)

David deangelo- double your dating-one default thing to do in any situation

David deangelo- double your dating-one default thing to do in any situation 2

David deangelo-critical moments&bridges+bonus books

David deangelo-double your dating +bonus book

David deangelo-how to get laid +bonus book

David deangelo-sex secrets+bonus book

David deangelo-double your dating 18 eBook –collections,

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VISUAL learners guide to managing web projects

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an introduction to php

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e-commerce security and governance

mysql and php...
#2 Posted : Monday, November 09, 2009 10:05:00 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 4/1/2009
Posts: 1,883
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(c) removes or alters any electronic rights management information; or

(d) distributes,imports,broadcasts or makes available to the public,protected works,records or copies from which electronic rights management information has been removed or has been altered without the authority of the right holder.

(4) Infringement of any right protected under this Act shall be actionable at the suit of the owner of the right and in any action for infringement the following reliefs shall be available to the plaintiff-

(a) the relief by way of damages,injunction,accounts or otherwise that is available in any corresponding proceedings in respect of infringement of other proprietary rights;

(b) delivery up to the plaintiff of any article in the possession of the defendant which appears to the court to be an infringing copy,or any article used or intended to be used for making infringing copies;

(c) in lieu of damages,the plaintiff at his option,be awarded an amount calculated on the basis of reasonable royalty which would have been payable by a licensee in respect of the work or type of work concerned;

(d) for the purpose of determining the amount of damages or a reasonable royalty to be awarded under this section or section 33 (2),the court may direct an enquiry to be held and may prescribe such procedures for conducting such enquiries as the court considers necessary; and

#3 Posted : Monday, November 09, 2009 10:10:00 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 4/1/2009
Posts: 1,883
And they even have some criminal penalties:

38. (1) Any person who,at a time when copyright or the right of a performer subsists in a work-
(a) makes for sale or hire any infringing copy; or

(b) sells or lets for hire or by way of trade exposes or offers for sale any infringing copy; or

(c) distributes infringing copies; or

(d) possesses otherwise than for his private and domestic use,any infringing copy; or

(e) imports into Kenya otherwise than for his private and domestic use any infringing copy;

(f) makes or has in his possession any contrivance used or intended to be used for the purpose of making infringing copies,

shall,unless he is able to prove that he had acted in good faith and had no reasonable grounds for supposing that copyright or the right of a performer would or might there by be infringed,be guilty of an offence.

(2) Any person who causes a literary or musical work,an audio-visual work or a sound recording to be performed in public at a time when copyright subsists in such work or sound recording and where such performance is an infringement of that copyright shall be guilty of an offence unless he is able to prove that he had acted in good faith and had no reasonable grounds for supposing that copyright would or might be infringed.

(3) For the purposes of paragraphs (a) to (f) of subsection (1),any person who has in his possession,custody or control two or more infringing copies of a work in the same form,shall,unless the contrary is proved,be presumed to be in possession of or to have imported such copies otherwise than for private and domestic use.

(4) Any person guilty of an offence under paragraph (a),(c) (e) or (f) of subsection (1) shall be liable to a fine not exceeding four hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years or to both.

(5) Any person guilty of an offence under paragraph (b) or (d) of subsection (1) shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.

(6) A person convicted of an offence under this section shall be liable -

(a) in the case of a first conviction,to a fine not exceeding four hundred thousand shillings,or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years,or to both; and

(b) in any other case,to a fine not exceeding eight hundred thousand shillings,or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years,or to both.

(7) Any person guilty of an offence under subsection (2) shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings,or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding four years,or to both.

(8) The court before which a person is charged with an offence under this section,shall whether such person is convicted of the offence or not,order that any article in his possession which appears to the court to be an infringing copy,or to be an article used or intended to be used for making infringing copies,be destroyed or delivered up to the owner of the copyright in question or otherwise dealt with as the court may think fit.

(9) No prosecution for an offence under this section shall be instituted-

(a) after the expiration of the period of three years immediately following the date of the alleged offence; and

(b) except,before the High Court or a Resident Magistrate's Court.

(10) One half of all fines imposed and recovered by a competent court in respect of the contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or of any regulations made there under shall be paid into the revenues of the Board and the other half shall be paid into the general revenues of Kenya.
#4 Posted : Monday, November 09, 2009 11:12:00 AM
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Joined: 2/16/2007
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Eh Saitoti,this is akin the 'xeroxing' a book as we used to do at Uni and I am sure you wouldn't wish to be sued by Obama! I suggest you become a motivational speaker,that way you can gain from this vast knowledge.

On the other hand,thanks for reading list.Can someone advise me on what is a must read I've only read Rich dad poor dad and millionaire next door

#5 Posted : Monday, November 09, 2009 12:33:00 PM
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Joined: 10/11/2007
Posts: 213
@ Saitoti dont use you real name and adress/phone number online ever!!! Especially not when selling stolen copyrighted material

Recently a colleague was detained at dallas airport on aroutine check and was nearly incacerated since his laptop was full of 'freeware' hehehe

?It took the intervention of the amercans sponsoring him to ensure his freedom back to kenya.

That said feel free to infringe copyright.......African market is a grain of sand for most of these ....

Me first,U next
#6 Posted : Tuesday, November 10, 2009 5:29:00 AM
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Joined: 8/19/2009
Posts: 7
@chaka - 7 Secrets of Highly Effective People is a must read and a breathe of fresh air from most of the rest. Also the secret is really great. Plus i am not sure if its in the list,The Richest Man In Babylon is one of my favourites and Conversation with Millionaires by Mike Litman....

non ducor duco
#7 Posted : Wednesday, November 11, 2009 9:12:00 AM
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Joined: 4/16/2008
Posts: 157
@ Mkenyan,thanks for bringing to light the legal aspects of the business. They are scary!

@ Chaka,That’s a brilliant suggestion. In fact,motivated by Les Brown & Zig Ziglar,I have been practicing alot,my mirror and community service organizations I serve in are witness to this. BTW,I have all the books suggested by Sammyboy in electronic forms...

@ Waria that experience is an eye opener,as most of us in Kenya use 'freeware'.

@ Ako,very true.

To add to the previous list,I also have business plan programmes,notably business plan pro from Palo Alto,and many sample business plans that are very applicable in Kenya.

In addition to the above materials,I have the following speeches in AUDIO forms and MANY OTHERS:-

1. Martin Luther King - Why I Oppose the War in Vietnam

2. Martin Luther King Jr - Commitment to Non-violence

3. Martin Luther King Jr - I see the promise land

4. Martin Luther King Jr - We Shall Overcome

5. Martin Luther King Jr. - In Search of Freedom

6. Martin Luther King,Jr. - I Have A Dream (Full)

7. Martin Luther King,Jr. - Police Brutality Will Backfire

8. the platinum collection Denis Waitley HEALTHY,WEALTHY & WISE


10. Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

11. Jim Rohn - Cultivating an Unshakable Character

12. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Inaugural Address

13. Franklin Delano Roosevelt First Inaugural Address

14. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation

15. Barbara Charlene Jordan1976 DNC Keynote Address

16. Richard Milhous Nixon 'Checkers'

17. Malcolm X' The Ballot or the Bullet'

18. Ronald Wilson Reagan Shuttle ''Challenger'' Disaster Address

19. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Houston Ministerial Association Speech

20. Lyndon Baines Johnson 'We Shall Overcome'

21. Mario Matthew Cuomo1984 DNC Keynote Address

22. Jesse Louis Jackson1984 DNC Address

23. Barbara Charlene Jordan Statement on the Articles of Impeachment

24. (General) Douglas MacArthur Farewell Address to Congress

25. Theodore Roosevelt' The Man with the Muck-rake'

26. Robert Francis Kennedy Remarks on the Assassination of ML King

27. Dwight David Eisenhower Farewell Address

28. Thomas Woodrow Wilson War Message

29. (General) Douglas MacArthur 'Duty,Honor,Country'

30. Richard Milhous Nixon' The Great Silent Majority'

31. Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

32. Covey - 8th Habit

33. Paulo Coelho -The Alchemist

34. Malcolm X - By Any Means Necessary

35. Malcolm_X_House_Negro_and_Field_Negro

#8 Posted : Wednesday, November 11, 2009 10:23:00 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/20/2009
Posts: 71
Saitoti...the number you gave is out of service..

whatever is done in the dark will always come to the light and find its way to bite u in the ass (SO DO THE RIGHT THING EVEN WHEN NO-ONE IS WATCHING)
#9 Posted : Wednesday, November 11, 2009 2:35:00 PM
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Joined: 4/16/2008
Posts: 157
@ Informer,my phone has been on all along. May be it was a problem with the service provider or I was holed in a low network area at that point in time. Hata hivyo,pole sana :)

#10 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:39:00 AM
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Joined: 8/4/2009
Posts: 37
@saitoti,my question is on what comprises of the 50 e-books,do one get to select them from the list you've given?

waswahili husema;mtu hafi na mavi kwa matako.
#11 Posted : Thursday, November 12, 2009 11:05:00 AM
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Posts: 157
@ Wanjiru's

I'm currently in the process of producing the whole list of all the ebooks that I have (they are quite a number). I'll post them here after sometime.

BTW,regarding the business plans,in the spirit of SK,I'm sending out sample business plans to any one interested.

Drop me a line at jsaitoti@gmail.com and let's build Kenya.

#12 Posted : Saturday, November 14, 2009 8:48:00 AM
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Joined: 4/16/2008
Posts: 157
Folks,preparing the list is proving to be a time consuming affair. I'm at it and will post it here asap.

meanwhile have a look at tthe following audio books.

Audio books.

Cultivating an Unshakable Character - Jim Rohn

Paulo Coelho -The Alchemist

The following 4 Rich Dad Series

CashFlow Quadrant

Freedom or Security

Retire Rich Retire Young

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

The following 2 Stephen R. Covey series

Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Covey - 8th Habit

Covey - First Things First

48 laws of power

Bruce Muzik Mind Mastery 101

Craig Goldblatt prepare to win vol. 1

Dayo Olumu You Got the Power!

Murphy's Committee Jerry D Rhino Clark

The platinum collection Denis Waitley HEALTHY,WEALTHY & WISE

Malcolm X speeches

Martin Luther King Speeches

Several Poetic speeches

Her majesty
#13 Posted : Sunday, November 15, 2009 5:14:00 PM
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Joined: 9/13/2008
Posts: 23
@maia,please send me the details on my email..judcy247@yahoo.com. Thank you.

The world would not want to know the storm you encountered in the sea..the problem is ..did you bring back the ship???
#14 Posted : Wednesday, November 18, 2009 4:03:00 PM
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Posts: 157
If you requested for the sample business plans via email,please check your inbox.

#15 Posted : Friday, November 20, 2009 4:58:00 AM
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Joined: 1/30/2009
Posts: 4
saitoti,thanks for the business plans,they are superb.

I owe you one.

I'll be in town in the afternoon & will call you to get the audio books,especially the rich dad series and 48 laws of power...to be listening to while stuck in the jam from work.


#16 Posted : Friday, November 20, 2009 9:54:00 AM
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Posts: 4
@Saitoti et al,
I need a quality business plan program.
May you be having one?
Drop me a line lucywamuyu@ymail.com

#17 Posted : Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:33:00 PM
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Please bring me a copy ask VVS @ Copyright Board of Kenya... I am sure I can find you other buyers...

Greedy when others are fearful,Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase WB
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett
#18 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2009 4:30:00 AM
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Posts: 157


Kenyans watch movies,you’re Kenyan hence you watch movies. Now,we all know that the market is flooded with pirated movies from China in 40 in 1 or 60 in 1 DVD’s not to mention PS games & TV series. The business is even more booming in the blue movies industry,and as was being discussed in a previous thread,soft wares are not spared either.

Most of the stalls in Moi Avenue & Tom Mboya Street,in their hundreds,are in the business of selling such movies. Have you ever bought any while stuck in a jam? How many genuine movies are in your living room?

Now,out of a need to earn a living and positively impact on the lives of fellow Kenyans,I see a niche in the market- a substantial amount of people need personal development materials. Due to inadequate capital,I decide to obtain original works from friends & family at a bargain price & sell them to the market at profit. Is that a breach to the copy right law? Mind you,from my prices,it’s obvious that what drives me lies not in the profit I aim to make but in the ability to transform the lives of Kenyans through these materials. Look at the bigger picture,a Kenyan,seeing the need to change the country he so much loves & cares for,decides to distribute eBooks,audio & video materials that will improve the lives of our country’s citizenry.

Daima mimi Mkenya,Mwananchi Mzalendo.
#19 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2009 12:30:00 PM
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Posts: 4
VVS:- even if this is my 3rd posting,I have been a peeping tom for sometime now & I find your comments on people's threads pessimistic and always focusing on the flip side.
One really wonders the type of father/mother you're
and pity your offsprings. Take my criticism positively; IMHO,its constructive.
Please give the brother some peace of mind & let him hussle on.
@ Saitoti,thanks for the business plan program-ongeza bei ya hiyo kitu.

#20 Posted : Monday, November 23, 2009 8:34:00 PM
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Location: Nairobi
Bacun - No foul... LOL... I can take it too...

saitoti - Well,I guess that's what kibaki meant by who ate your mbuzi... to answer your question... YES,it is ILLEGAL to photocopy/copy someone else's work without permission/payment & to sell/distribute it...

In 2007,someone photocopied some 'extra' votes,2A (or whatever they were called) forms... after all stealing through stealth is an 'admirable' quality in Kenya... ask kibaki or ruto or raila...

I take offense to your insinuation that just because I am Kenyan... I am a crook... (well,I can understand your attitude... we glorify thieves/thugs/murderers like george saitoti,dan moi,crooked wa ngengi aka jomo,nick biwott,paul pattni,etc... while don't even remember the real heroes like Jacinta Mwatela or Dedan Kimathi or Joseph Murumbi or Pio Gama Pinto

Greedy when others are fearful,Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase WB
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett
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