As far as K24 news eyewitness is concerened and the respective snpshots plus my own analysis the following applies:
No fuel pipeline was leaking within Sinai.
No fuel pipeline ilitobolewa.
There is a drainage from KPC deports that drain into Ngong river within Sinai.
The drainage drains anything from sewage,water to fuel.
That there has been fuel leakage at the KPC deports since last Saturday due to over filling.
That the overfill emptied into Ngong river through the said drainage.
That guys saw fuel in the drainage emptying into the river and started helping themselovos by scooping it.
That by Monday morning the spillage was still on and the air within the Sinai complex was highly saturated with explosive gas/super fumes.
That some mama/jamaaz were frying some chapos and stuff nearby and along the river bank.
And thus as expected the fumes caught fire at around 8.30 am Monday.
So whom do we blaim first?
Mpig,Kanjora,Gaaament,KPC,Sinaians or wazuans(the middle class)?
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